The above named goods and Cattle I have taken out of the
hands of Kirk, as being part of the Estate of Edward ffurlong,
In obedience to an ordr of the honblec the Councill of the Prov-
ince of Maryland, and have deposited them into the hands of
ffrancis Martin a pson that formerly kept the aforesaid Cattle
at his plantation for Edward ffurlong, and lives but a mile
from ffurlongs former habitation where the Cattle were bred
by the Marishes, but the Cattle are the poorest that ever I
saw at this time of yeare especially the small Cattle,
p ffrancis Jenckins Shff
Pursuant to an ordr of this board of the 4th day of October
last past returne was this day made (by the Commissionrs
appointed to lay out for the Indians seated upon Nantecoke
River the land assd them by his Lsp: of their proceedings in
ascertaineing the maine branch of Nanticoke River, and the
bounds betweene Dorchester and Sommersett Counties
according to the Tenor of the said ordr being as foll (viz:)
Novemb the first 1684:
In pursuance of an ordr of Councill beareing date at the
City of St Maries the fourth day of October in the nineth
yeare of the Dominion of the Rt honble Charles &ca Annoq
Dmi. 1684: Mett at Nantecoke Coll William Stevens, Capt
Henry Smith, Mr Bartholomew Ennalls, and Mr Charles
Hutchens, being four of the persons named in the said Ordr
p. 159
which were authorised impowered and appointed then to settle
the bounds betweene Sommersett and Dorchester Counties,
and they haveing considered & enquired into the prmisses,
they think the branch commonly called the North East branch
is the main branch of the said River, and therefore ascer-