Lib. R. R. R.
Deposition of John Hepworth aged 40 yeares. Saith that
about two yeares agoe Edward ffurlong was at your Depts
house, who askt him what made him soe strange, and looke
soe contrarily to what formerly he did, The said ffurlong
made answer that John Kirks house was noe place for him, for
there was nothing but scolding curseing and sweareing, and
that Kirks designe was to have him to sett his hand to some
paper or other, but he said he never would, for he could
neither write nor read they knew, and therefore said he would
not condescend and further saith not
Sworne in Somrsett County John Hepworth
Court the 19th day of Novemb
Ao Dmi: 1684
Vera Copia Edm: Beauchamp Cler. Cur:
Somrsett County ss:
Novemb the 21th 1684:
An Inventory of what Cattle are at and resideing about the
plantation was ffurlongs, which are supposed to be strayed
from the rest that were at Kirks whilest he was possessed of
ffurlongs Stock, as p Information of ffrancis Martin who had
the keepeing and lookeing after the said Cattle in ffurlongs
time, and beare ffurlongs mark and are as foll:
Imp" three pied Cowes, one of wch is very old & diseased ..3
Two Calves, one newly fallen ..2
One Draught Ox called Champion ..1
One Red steere of about 6 yeares old .. 1
To pied heifers of two yeares old ..2
One red heifer at the planta of Ja: Price ..1
Two Bulls vse at Watkins point .. 2