The Deposition of John Watson of St Maries County aged
five and thirty yeares or thereabouts
The Deponent upon oath examined saith that sometime in
the moneth of July last past, he being on board the Mann of
Warr Ketch Capt Thomas Allen Commandr then at Anchor in
Pottomock River falling into discourse with the Captain, and
being asked from whence he came, he the Deponent said,
from Maryland side, the Dept asked him, from whence he
came, he answered from Whitehall, and said he understood
the King was cheated in his customs both in Maryland and
Virginia, that many shipps came in here, which had not their
due cleareings from England, all wch he was to looke after;
The Deponent said tht if the King were cheated of his cus-
toms, My Lord Baltemore was also cheated, & further he
saith not
Jurat 5o Die Novembris 1684: Jo: Watson
coram me
Thomas Taillor
Lib. R. R. R.