Now may it please your Exncy upon mature consideration
and consultation had thereon, Wee doe humbly conceive that
the fact being committed within the jurisdiction of this Pro-
vince, noe other Collony cann take cognizance thereof, and
therefore that a crime soe barbarous as this, in all its circum-
stances may not escape the hands of Justice, but may receive
the punishment justly due thereunto, We have thought fitt,
and hold our selves in Law and Conscience obleiged by these
our Emissaryes in as humble civill & obleigeing tearmes as
may be to apply our selves to your Exncy, and in behalf of the
Rt honble the Lord Propry of this Province, to make our just
demands to have the prisoner safely returned to this Gov-
ernmt where the ffact was committed, and where alone (wee
conceive) the same is cognizable, and to the End that noe
failure of justice may be for want of witnesses wee also humbly
desire that your Exncy: will command such persons on board
the Ketch as cann any waies testifie against the prisoner to
come and give in their Evidence upon the tryall; which upon
returne of the Malefactor wee intend (god willing) speedily to
goe upon.
Your Exncys: greate wisdom, prudence and integrity as
well as neighbourly affection and kindness for this Province
manifested and expressed, will (wee doubt not) spare us the
labour of straining for argumts to moove your Exncys conde-
scention, to this our soe just and reasonable demand; Wee
shall therefore (in full assurance and confidence thereof) not
trouble you with Impertinencies, onely to insinuate to your
Lsp, that if in the like (wch God avert) or upon any other occa-
sion, Maryland may be serviceable to your Collony, it may
freely be required of, and readily complied with by
Your Exncys most humble Servts
To the Rt honble ffrancis Lord Howard Thomas Tailler
Baron Effingham Capt Gen" and Henry Darnall
Chiefe Governr of his Majties Wm Digges
Collony of Virginia Nicholas Sewall
Present Wm Burges
Lib. R. R. R.
Mr Clement Hill and Mr Ant. Underwood messengeres to Virga
Ordered that Mr Clement Hill and Mr Anthony Under-
wood of St. Maries County be the Messengers of the said
Letter to the Lord Howard, and they are hereby appointed to
beare the same to his Lsp accordingly, and to Receive his
answer, and that the sheriff of St Maries County (if occasion
be) press boate and hands to sett them over.
Ordered also, and it is Desired that the honble Coll: William
Digges give them Cr in Virginia for their necessary expences
and charges there in this affaire
p. 144