Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681-85/6. 245
And your petr as in all Duty bound shall ever pray for your
Lsps health honor and happiness long to continue
Ro: Carvile signed
Lib. R. R. R.
Ordr to Enter into Recogniza and for his fine to be suspended.
By the Lord Propry & Councill
Ordered that the petr Entring into Recognizance before the
honble the Commissaryes or Secrys of this Province or either
of them, in manner as the same is usually given in the Pro-
vinciall Court, for his future good behaviour from time to time
as shall be thought convenient; The petr may be discharged
in Court: And for the ffine his Lsp is willing the same shall be
suspended untill such time as his carriage and good com-
portmt shall deserve further favour from his Lsp: to remitt the
same. Signed p ordr
J Llewellin Cl Concil
Motion concerning Instructions for Land Councill.
His Lsp: mooves the Advice of his Councill concerning some
Instructions to be left with a particular Councill his Lspp
designed to constitute in his absence to heare and determine all
matters of Land and Acts of grace and favour therein
Whereupon Resolved and ordered that the Clk of the
Councill make inspection into former precedents, and make
report to this board what hath been usually heretofore done in
such cases; and also prepare a Commission for such a Coun-
cill to be assigned by his Lsp distinct from the Councill of State,
His Lspp haveing nominated the honble Coll Henry Darnall,
Coll William Digges Majr Nicholas Sewall & John Darnall
Esqr his Lspps Councellors thereunto Assigned.
ordr cone: the Divisionall lyne betweene Maryld and Virginia.
His Lsp also Communicates to the board the designe of
mooveing the Governmt of Virginia (now before he goe from
thence on his voyage to England) to have the Divisionall line
betweene that and this Province new marked and layd out,
and therefore gives ordr that upon due notice given to the
Commissaryes and Secrys of this Province his Lsps Councill for
Lands assigned by Certificate to be taken of such new Settle-
ment by the mutuall consent ordr and appointmt of both
Governmts with faire and undeniable Testimony and proofe