persons in the said Countyes desireing the same, ffirst takeing
the parties bonds according to our conditions of plantation
for the time being payable to us in a yeares time, with a clause
also to fforfeitt the benefitt of the said warrant or warrants in
case the said Bond or Bonds be not punctually pformed by
the time prescribed therein: You are also to keepe an exact
Register of all warrants by you to be granted in the Counties
aforesaid, and of them to returne yearely true coppies attested
and examined into our Land Office at St Maries that due
record thereof may be there kept ffor all which this shall be
your warrant. To have hold and enjoy the power hereby
granted to you dureing our pleasure and noe longer. Given
under our hand and lesser Seale at Armes the nineteenth day
of March 1683:
Coll. Geo. Talbott Comon to demand New Castle of
Wm Penn Esqr
Charles &ca To our Deare Couzen and Councellor George
Talbott Esqr greeteing. Whereas by his sacred Majties Lettrs
beareing date the second Day of Aprill 1681: positive com-
mand was given unto us to appoint one or more person or
persons to joine with the Agents of William Penn Esqr Gov-
ernor and Propry of the Province of Pensylvania in enquireing
and finding out the ffourtieth Degree of Northern Latitude
and according thereunto to settle and ffix certain Land marks
betweene the Provinces of Maryland and Pensylvania, which
should for the future be the perpetuall bounds of the Prov-
inces aforesaid, pursuant to the express words in our Charter
of Maryland, and in the said William Penns Charter of Pen-