234 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681-85/6.
Lib. R. R. R.
to the provision made by Act of Assembly for Souldiers in
actuall service, You are also to appoint a Command' over
the sd Souldiers and ffort to take particular and extraordinary
care in preserving and defending the same, and in husband-
ing the Armes, Ammunition, and provisions therein, and in
keepeing good agreent and ordr among the said Soldiers, and
among such persons as shall live within or hard by the said
ffort, to which Commandr you are hereby ordered to promise
in our name double Souldiers pay for Six moneths, which pay
together with the pay of the Souldiers aforesaid shall be
ordered in the hands of the Sheriff of Cecil County. In the
managemt of this affaire be as expeditious and secrett as you
Given under our hand and lesser Seale at Armes this
nineteenth day of March 1683:
Coll. Geo: Talbott Comon to dispose of Lands in Cecil &
Balt. Counties.
Charles &c. To George Talbott Esqr Greeteing whereas
for Encouragemt of all such as were willing to take up and
Inhabitt Lands in this our Province of Maryland, Wee granted
liberty to all persons of brittish or Irish descent to take out
warrants for Land out of our Land Office at St Maries they
paying two pounds of Tobacco p Acre for rights, Yett after-
wards upon advice of our Councill Wee resolved to advance
the price and value of rights to four pounds of Tobacco p
Acre: Which now for the greater Ease of persons desireing
to take lands up Wee have of our owne motion resolved to
p. 75
abate a fourth part thereof and accept off three pounds of
Tobacco p Acre for rights for the time to come, And
whereas the Inhabitants of our Countyes of Baltemore and
Cecil doe live at soe remote a distance from St Maries, that
many persons desireing to purchase rights to lay out there,
had rather want that benefitt then come or send soe farr for
it; In regard of which, and that the people in those remote
parts may (as much as in us lyes, to afford) enjoy all the same
favours in as full measure and with as much ease as the
Inhabitants of our Southern Countyes doe; Wee have thought
fitt to constitute, and doe hereby constitute and appoint you
the said George Talbott to be by this Commission our Com-
mission' for Lands in our Counties of Baltemore and Cecil, as
you are by our former Commission to you of the nineteenth
instant, our Commission" for New Ireland Delaware and the
Whore Kills; hereby requireing and empowering you to
grant warrants of survey returneable in a yeares time to all