building and peopleing of houses and seateing plantations at
our charge in convenient vacant places neere the Confines
aforesaid, and more particularly in one place mentioned in the
said Instructions, and the said houses soe built to keepe pre-
serve and defend to our use, to the utmost of your industry
and power. Wee Doe also require and authorise you to
appoint by warrants under your hand and Seale as many
rangers and fforresters in the confines aforesaid as you shall
think necessary for killing and takeing up to our use all wild
unmarkt Cattle, horses, Mares, Colts, and Swine, allowing the
sd Rangers and fforresters such a part of the said Wilds for
their paines as you shall think fitt, and you are also to hinder
all others from rangeing who cann produce noe Commission
or warrant from and under us, and more especially such as
shall range in our fforrests, and the uninhabited parts of our
confines aforesaid by vertue of warrants from or under the
Governor of Penn Sylvania, or his Officers you are also to use
such meanes for secureing your self, your ffamily and Neigh-
bours from the force and treachery of the Indians, and to
compell the Indians of Christine and white clay Creeke within
our Province to an acknowledgemt of our Jurisdiction as are
already prescribed to you in the Instructions above mentioned.
And for soe doeing this shall be your Commission and war-
rant. Given under our hand and lesser Seale at Armes the
nineteenth day of March 1683:
Lib. R. R. R.