bourhood thereabouts; Wee Doe therefore hereby Authorise
you to lay out in each of our said Mannors two hundred Acres
for Demeasnes, and to grant warrants of Survey on all the
rest to such persons as shall intend immediately to seate upon
the same; (noe warrant to exceed two hundred Acres) And
wee doe hereby promise to all such Takers up of Lands in
our sd Mannors that they shall at their Election have Leases of
One and thirty yeares or three lives granted them, at the
yearely Rent of One hundred pounds of tobacco, or one barrill
of Corne, or shall have firm grants to them and their heires
for Ever at the yearely rent of two hundred pounds of tobacco
p hundred Acres. And wee doe hereby also Authorise you
the said George Talbott to signe Seale and deliver in our
name leases of Tenemts for One and thirty yeares or three
lives at the yearely Rent of One hundred pounds of tobacco
or one barrill of Corne p hundred Acres within our sd Mannors
to all psons demanding the same, as also to signe seale and
deliver in our name to all psons who shall desire the same,
and to their heires & Assignes for Ever firme conveyances of
Tenemts not exceeding Two hundred Acres in each Tenemt
To be held of us and our heires and Successors as of the
Mannor wherein they lye, and whereof they are part by ffealty,
Suite of Court, and the yearely Rent of two hundred pounds
of Tobacco p hundred Acres, hereby ratifyeing confirming and
allowing what you shall act pursuant hereunto as our owne
Act and deed. To have hold and enjoy the powers granted
you by this Comon with all such ffees benefitts & pquisites as
shall grow due to you for Executing the same, dureing our
pleasure and noe longer. Given under our hand & lesser
Seale at Armes this 19th Day of March 1683:
Lib. R. R. R.
Charles &ca To George Oldfield gentl Greeteing
Out of the trust & Confidence we have in your Integrity &
honesty & in your skill and insight in the Law, and in the
practice of Courts, Wee have thought fitt to Constitute, and
doe hereby constitute and appoint you the said George Old-
field to be our Attorney in all causes civill & Criminall wherein
we shall be concerned, and which shall fall within the cogni-
zance of our County Court and Courts which shall be held for
our County of Cecill hereby Impowering and streightly
enjoyneing you to appeare and prosecute for us in all civill
causes, and Actions in the sd Court wherein we shall be pts
And to appeare & defend for us in all civill causes and accons
in the Court aforesaid wherein wee shall be def as also to pre-
sent Indict and prosecute in the said Court all breakers of the
peace and transgressors of the Lawes and acts of Assembly
p. 72