Therefore your Lspps Petr humbly beggs & supplicates yor
Lspp to take the premisses in your most serious Consideration
and order that the sd Action may not longer be continued but
brought to a full heareing and Determination this next Provin,
ciall Court before your Lspps departure out of this Province-
that he may not be putt to any further unnecessary charge and
expence in & about the same.
And your Lspps humble petr as in Duty bound
shall ever pray &c.
thus answered by the foll ordr to the Provll Court (viz.)
By the Lord Propry & Councill
Ashford & Lynes Order for tryall
It is this Day ordered that the Cause depending betweene
Philip Lynes and Michael Ashford of Charles County before
the honble the Justices of the Provinciall Court be brought to
tryall this Court without further delay.
ffebry 14th 1683: Signed p ordr
Llewellin Cl Consil