At a Council held at the City of St Maries the Three and
Twentyeth Day of January Anno Dmi. 1683:
The Rt honble the Lord Propry
Coll Henry Darnall Mr John Darnall
The honble Coll Wm Digges The honble Mr Edward Pye
Majr Nichs Sewall
The Sheriff of St Maries County commanded to attend the
board this day is ordered to have here present Mr James
Bowling, Mr Joseph Pile, and Mr Thomas Mudd according to
summons formerly sent him They all accordingly appeare,
and Mr Robert Carvile also being summoned to appeare this
Then Ordered to be read the Severall Depositions foll (viz)
The Deposition of Capt Joshua Doyne taken
this IIth day of January 1683:
This Deponent saith that upon the fourth day instant Mr
Joseph Pile, Mr James Bowling, & Mr Thomas Mud three of
his Lsps Justices of St Maries County together with Mr Robert
Carvile, came with this Dept to his the Depts house, where
some discourse ariseing concerning Tobacco and Secrys ffees
due to this Dept as Sheriff of the County aforesaid, he this
Dept then made demand of the sd Carvile for sundry ffees due
to the honble the now Secrys of this Province, the which the
said Carvile refuseing to pay this Dept told him if he would
not pay the same, he must and would take him in execution
for it, the said Carvile replyed it was more then he this Dept
durst doe, for that the said ffees were not charged according
to Lawe; whereupon he this Dept did execute the sd Carvile
for the said Secrys ffees, and did shew him the said Execution
under the lesser Seale of this Province and Test of the honble
Coll Henry Darnall, the said Carvile replyed they were fooles
and such as were afraid of them (they the Secrys meaneing)
but he was not afraid to speake any thing, and then the sd Car-
vile advised Mr James Bowling (then present) not to pay the
Secrys fees he owed, and he would warrant him in it; The
said Bowling replyed if he were charged a hhd. of Tobacco