Lib. R. R. R.
which the sd Carvile said, neither my Lord nor Coll Digges
was to have any Consideration for their land, this Dept
replyed there was noe such thing mentioned in the Act of
Assembly, the said Carvile replyed that was true, but my Lord
did wyerdraw the Assembly, but it should not be soe, for he
would justifie that his Lspp and Coll Digges had given their
land gratis to the Countrey; And further the said Carvile
discoursed of and concerning his Ldsps Councill, that Majr
Sewall and Mr John Darnall were but Boyes, and what was
Coll Darnall or Coll Digges, he this Dept replyed they were
his betters or words to that effect, The said Carvile answered
that my Lord putt none in Office but knaves and fooles, and
that he had made three or ffour Sheriffes, nameing this Dept
Major Taylors Sonn & Coll Burges's Sonn, who were knaves
and fooles, for he put none else into Office, some of the Com-
pany replyed that his Lspp had a kindness for this Dept the
said Carvile replyed it was because he this Dept cheated the
Countrey: This Dept answered that the sayd Carvile might
say what he pleased, being in this Depts house, but desired
Mr Pile and Mr Bowling to take cognizance how the sd Car-
vile had abused his Lspp, for that he would informe against
him; the sd Pile and Bowling replyed they were sorry he was
soe bitter against his Lspp, ffor that they never heard any pson
speake such words before; ffor such words against his Ldsp
and Officers in some Company was enough to make a distur-
bance in the Countrey comeing from such a man as he: And
further this Deponent Saith that upon nameing my Lords
name it was answered a ffart, and that it was said there was
little difference betweene him meaneing my Lord and a ffart
or words to that effect and farther saith not
Juravit die et Anno p'dici Jus. Duyne
Coram me
Wm Digges
The Deposition of Capt James Bowling taken
this 11th Day of January Anno 1683:
This Dept saith that upon the 4th Day instant he this Dept
being at the house of Mr Joshua Doyne in company of Mr
Thomas Mudd, Mr Joseph Pile and Mr Robert Carvile, wee
fell into discourse about laying out the Towne lands, And he
this Dept said that it would be convenient that his Lspp should
be there to lett them know what parcell of that Land should
be Assigned for a Towne and to lett the purchasers know the