the Commission for Kent County, and that said Wicks, and
Miller now present Enter into Recognizance for their good
behaviour, and appeareance at the next Provinciall Court, And
that Henry Hosier be summoned to appeare before this board
on the first day of the next Provinciall Court, And that the
reasons given by the said Ringold are good & Sufficient for
his not joyneing or refuseing to sitt with the said Commissionrs
as is complained against him.
Accordingly came Majr Joseph Wicks, and Mr Michael
Miller and acknowledged themselves each of them to stand
indebted unto the Rt honble the Lord Propry of this Province in
the full and just summe of twenty pounds sterling a peice to
be leavyed on their goods and Chattels lands and Tenemts to
the use and behoofe of his Lsp his heires and Successors upon
condition that if they be and psonally appeare before his Lspps
Justices of the Prov" Court at the next Provinciall Court of
this Province wheresoever it shall be holden, and in the meane
time well abare themselves and be of good behaviour as well
toward his Lsp the Lord Propry of this Province as to all and
singular the good people thereof then this their Recognizance
to be void and of none effect, or else to stand remaine and be
in full force power and vertue in Law.
Summons issued for Henry Hosier as foll (viz)
Maryld ss: By the Ld Propry & Councill
You are hereby willed & Required forthwith upon Receipt
hereof to summons Henry Hosier of your County gentl that
all excuses sett apart he be and psonally appeare before his
Lsp: and Councill on the first Day of the next Provll Court at
such tyme and place when and where the sd Court shall be
held to answer unto such matters and thinges as shall then
and there on behalf of his Lsp be objected agt him whereof
faile not at your perill. Dated the Seaventh day of Novemb.
in the Eighth yeare of the Dominion of the Rt honble Charles
&c. Annoq Dmi: 1683:
Signed p ordr John Llewellin Clk
To the Sheriff of Kent County Specially appointed
or his Deputy