Lib. R. R. R.
the Sheriff desire Majr Ringold to appeare and sitt with the
above Commissionrs the said Majr Ringold appearing and
being desired to sitt, he very peremptorily refused and said
he would not sitt, which Answer of Majr Ringolds was Ordered
to be recorded, And that all Suito" and all other psons con-
cerned at the sd Court were desired by the abovesaid Com-
missionrs to take notice of the appeareing of the sd Majr
Wicks, Mr Hosier, and Mr Miller to sitt and serve his Lsp: and
Countrey and that it is not by or through their meanes or
neglect that any pson should suffer in any thing depending in
the said Court, they being very ready and willing to serve his
Lsp: and Countrey according to the trust reposed by his Lspp in
the sd Commission"
Taken from the Record Elias King Clk Coun Kent.
Ringold to Wicks Hosier & Miller Answer.
An Answer to the pretended Order or Complaint of Majr
Wickes, Mr Hosier, and Mr Miller Commission" of Kent
County against Majr James Ringold.
ffirst. That on the 16th Decemb: last Mr Wickes came to
New Yarmouth with Mr Evett and Mr Connor, and there
importuned the said Ringold to joine with them to lay a new
leavy, the leavy being duely laid before pretending some
other Accompt due to the said Wickes and some other psons,
The said Ringold asked them how they would doe for a
Clark, the said Wickes said he could make One, then the said
Ringold asked how they would doe for a Sheriff, and the sd
Wickes answered there needed none, at which time the said
Ringold told him, he would have nothing to doe with any
such matters, the Leavy for the County being duely made up
the first December 1682:
Secondly. That on the 28th July 1682: by order from yor
Lsp: the Justices being warned to hold a Court for Election of
Delegates, the sd Wicks & Evett tooke occasion in a scan-
dalous manner to upbraid the sd Ringold and the said Connor
for haveing given Edward Swettnam the Oath of Depty
Sheriff, The said Wicks, Hosier Evett and Miller haveing
made an order before that, that the said Swettnam should
p. 3
not be sworne or serve as Sub-Sheriffe, And the said Wickes
said that he -would have his orders observed or else he would
be noebody.
Thirdly. That on the 25th January by the ordr of the sd
Miller and Evett One George Greene Cryer of the Court
made Proclamation for Capt William Laurence One of your
Lsps Justices by the title of a Mann Child about 52 yeares of
age, and if any pson or psons would carry him before the sd