Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681-85/6. 141
of this our Province appeareing for the conveening and
Sitting of our said Assembly on the said Eighth day of May
Wee have by and with the advice and consent of our Councill
determined and ordeined, And wee doe hereby fully resolve
determine and ordeine that the same Assembly be prorogued
untill the fourth day of September now next ensueing. And
wee doe hereby will and require as also strictly charge and
command all and Singular the Sheriffes of this our Province
forthwith upon Receipt hereof to make proclamation hereof in
the most convenient places within their respective Counties,
and to give notice to all and singular the Delegates & Depu-
ties by the ffreemen of their Countyes already elected, or for
that purpose to be elected that all excuses sett apart they and
every of the said Delegates and Deputies come and psonally
appeare at the sd City of St Maries on the sd ffourth day of
September now next ensueing to doe and consent to those
thinges which then and there by the favour of God shall
happen to be ordeined by us by and with the Advice and con-
sent of our greate Councill of this our Province concerning
the State and wellfare of this our Province; And also to give
Liber R. R.
notice to such of our Councill as Inhabitt within their respec-
tive Counties that they also be and appeare at the day and
place aforesaid to the end and purpose aforesaid. Given at
our City of St Maries under the greate Seale of this our Prov-
ince of Maryland the third Day of Aprill in the Eighth yeare
of our Dominion &c: Annoq Dmi: 1683:
At a Councill held at the Citty of St Maries the 3d day of
Aprill 1683:
p. 196
The honble
The Rt honble the Lord Propry
Coll Vincent Lowe Sur Genll
Coll William Stevens
Coll William Burges
Mr John Darnall
Ordered That noe warrants for land from henceforth be
renewed without his Lordpps speciall order, neither any war-
rants to be for the future signed by any person but his Lorpp
or the Secryes. All Comon warrants (for land to be taken
vp according to the new Condicons of plantacon) To have six
months time before they expire