Liber R.
of the hearty contrition, and humble sybmission as to yr Ldsp
shall seeme meete
Wherefore he humbly prays your Ldsp seriously and compas-
sionately to Consider the forlorne miserable Condition of your
Petr and his poore wife bigg with Child without your Ldsps
Grace and favour to themwards, and that till such tyme as
your Ldspp shall please to propose what tearmes of submission
may be acceptable to your Ldspyour Pef may be enlarged and
released from the Custody of the Sheriffe of St Maries whereto
he is now confined.
And as in Duty bound he shall pray &ca
Geo: Butler
Command Given to the Sheriffe of St Maries County to
have the petr before this board who being brought and viva
voce acknowledging his folly and Error in what he had done
accordingly as in the petition is sett forth order Given to the
Sheriff for his Inlargement
His Ldspp Communicates to this Board his Resolution to
prorogue the Assembly till the ffourth day of September next
Ordered that Proclamation issue accordingly
Liber R. R.
p. 195
[Prorogation of Assembly.]
By the Lord Propry a Proclamation
Whereas for severall weighty and urgent occasions &
affaires relateing to Our Self and the State and Defence of
this our Province, Wee did by Proclamation bearing date the
Tenth day of July last past declare the calling of a New
Assembly to beginn and be holden at the City of St Maries
the 12th Day of October then next following which said
Assembly Wee did by Proclama bearing date the nineth day
of September last past prorogue untill the 24tb Day of Octo-
ber then next following And from thence by Proclam" beare-
ing date the sd 24th Day of October Wee did also further
prorogue the same untill the Six and Twentieth Day of the
same October, which accordingly then mett and Sate at our
sd City of St Maries, and there continued untill the Seaven-
teenth day of November last past, and was from thence
further prorogued untill the first Tuesday in March next
ensueing, Which sd Assembly wee did by Proclamation beare-
ing date the three and Twentieth day of January then next
following further prorogue untill the Eighth day of May then
next ensueing, which said Eighth day of May on which our
sd Assembly should sitt being now neere at hand, and noe
urgent occasions or affaires relateing to the State or welfare