mares unmarked to be disposed off as the said ffendall shall
order and direct, ffor which this shall be your warrant. Given
at the City of St Maries the ffourteenth day of October in the
Seaventh yeare of the Dominion of the Rt honble Charles &ca
Annoq Dmi 1682:
Signed p ordr & appointmt of his Lspp
To Captn John Stanesby p John Llewellin Cl
high Sher. of Baltemore County Consil
By the Lord Proprv
A Proclamation
Maryland ss:
Whereas the Rt honble the Lord Propry of this Province by
his Proclamation bearing date the nineth day of September
last past did prorogue this present Genll Assembly untill this
prsent ffour and Twentyeth day of October, his Lspp for divers
good Causes and Considerations him thereunto mooveing
hath thought fitt, and doth by and with the advice and Con-
sent of his Councill hereby fully resolve determine and ordeine
that the sd Gen" Assembly be further prorogued untill the
Six and Twentieth day of this Instant October, hereby willing
and requiring as well the members of the upper house there-
unto Assigned as also all and singular the Delegates and
Deputyes Members of the Lower house by the ffreemen of
this Province in the severall and respective Counties of this
Province thereunto elected and Chosen, that (all excuses sett
apart) they and every of them be and psonally appeare at the
City of St Maries in the upper and Lower houses of our sd
Gen" Assembly on the sd Six and Twentieth day of October
instant to doe and consent to those thinges which shall then
and there by the favour of God happen to be ordeined by us
by and with the advice and Consent of the greate Councill of