ffendall meeteing together, Capt ffendall asked him whither
he had heard how hardly my Lord had dealt with him, and
whither he had had the news of a greate tract of Indians lately
seene, to which he the said Dent said noe. ffendall asked
how the people in the fforrest stood affected, and what he the
said Dent thought of them the said Dent replyed, Capt ffendall
I have often heard you talk in this manner, but I should like
you better if you said less and did more, and if there be occa-
sion doe but send me word, for most part of the fforrest where
I live will be at my Command to doe what I would have them,
ffendall said if they could but secure my Lord the Chancelor
the Secry and Coll Darnall (and for Esqr Talbott he knew not
what to make of him) the rest would fall of course: the said
Dent said that when he came to St Maries My Lord presently
tendred him the Bible to take his Oath at which he was very
much startled and unwilling to Declare any thing, whereupon
my Lord huffed and flurted his periwig and seemed very much
dissatisfyed, but the sd Dent was afraid and would not say
what he could for ffeare ffendall should Impeach him, but that
night considering with himself that ffendall was a prisoner and
could doe him noe hurt he might freely speake, but said that
if he had declared all that he knew against ffendall, and which
he heard ffendall say at his ffather in law Hatch's buriall he
could have hang'd him, he also said that he had learned soe
much at Boyden and Godfryes tryall that he would not feare
any bodyes informing against him, for if he did in the least
suspect any such thing, he would first informe against them,
and then their Oath could doe him noe harme: This the
Deponent heard Mr Dent say and further saith not
Octob. 12th 1682: Thomas Perry signed
Jurat coram me
Philip Calvert
Liber R.
The sd Dent ordered to appeare before his Lspp and Councill
at the City of St Maries the next Councill Day to answer the
By ordr of the Rt honble the Lord Propry
Maryland ss:
Whereas It hath been alledged by Samuel ffendall and Con-
firmed by the Testimony of James Mills that the sd ffendall
about five or Six yeares since had strayed from him severall
horses & mares which are supposed and have been seene to
be in your parts; you are therefore hereby willed and required
to suffer the said Samuel ffendall or any other pson or psons
for him and to his vse and benefitt to take up in any p' of
your County or within your precincts Six or Seaven horses or
p. 338