Maryland ss:
I Philip Calvert Esqr Privy Councellor and one of his Ldspps
Justices of the Provinciall Court of this Province, To the
sheriffe of St Maries County greeteing, I send you here with-
all the body of Jacob Young late of Cecill County planter,
brought before his Ldsp and Councill this Day and
charged with stimulateing and encourageing the
Indians to make Incursions and Attempts upon the English
Inhabitants & neighbouring ffriend Indians of this Province,
And therefore these are (on the behalf of the Rt honble the
Lord Propry) to Comand you that immediately you receive the
sd Jacob Young and him in safe Close custody keepe untill he
shall be thence delivered by the due ordr of the next generall
Assembly. Hereof faile not as you will answer for your con-
tempt at your perill. Given at St Maries the Tenth day of
September in the Seaventh yeare of the Dominion of the Rt
honble Charles &ca Annoq Dmi. 1682:
To the sheriff of St Maries County Philip Calvert
or his Deputy
Information given by Mr Inglish that the Northern Indians
not well agreeing among themselves when they mett at the
head of the Bay about the prisoners and booty that had been
taken (some of them not haveing any) were prepareing Canoes
and makeing ready to returne again to the Eastern shore to
take what more they could
Ordered thereupon that the Indians on the Eastern Shore
have speedy notice given thm thereof to prevent their being
surprised and to make provision for them & that the sheriffe
of Dorchester County as neerest to them be required to give
such notice according to the following ordr viz.
By the Lord Propry & Councill
Sep 10th 1682
Information being this Day given to his Ldspp and Councill
that there are some of the Northern Indians (who have as yett
taken noe booty) upon their Return back to make their
Attempts upon the Indians on the Eastern Shoare. You are
therefore hereby Required forthwith upon sight hereof to give
notice to Ababco, and the rest of the Kings and other Indians
in your parts of such Intentions of the said Northern Indians,