Index to Names of Persons and Places. 579
Peggy and Catey (vessel), 208.
Poole, William, 280.
Pence, Jacob, 551.
Poplar Island, 131, 132.
Pennsylvania, 200, 215, 500, 524.
Port Tobacco, 438.
Perkins, Isaac, 163.
Porter, Andrew, 254.
Perkins, John, 265.
Portsmouth, 103.
Peteford, 95.
Posey, Belain, 163.
Peter, John, 373.
Postley, James, 428.
Peters, Richard, 151, 152, 213, 359,400,
Postley (Posley), John, 286, 350, 456,
460, 463.
Petersburg, 155, 234, 252, 259, 265.
Potomack, 30 55, 67, 174, 180, 182, 183,
Phenix (vessel), 159, 164.
232, 431, 439, 440, 441, 470, 492, 494,
Philadelphia, 14, 15, 18, 19, 25, 26, 34,
499, 5o6- 5H. 5i8.
36, 38, 40, 42, 47, 56, 60, 63, 73, 78, 79,
Potomack (vessel), 318.
80, 128, 147, 153, 155, 166, 172, 193,
Potter, Nathaniel, 8, 274, 284, 299, 462,
203, 204, 207, 2IO, 222, 228, 233, 236,
477- 5o8, 512, 520, 535, 536, 551.
240, 241, 253, 260, 262, 276, 292, 295,
Potts, Richard, 468.
3'3. 315. 319. 324. 344. 370. 37L 396,
Power, Clement, 346.
410, 461, 469, 501, 545, 552.
Power, John, 62.
Philips, Capt., 350.
Pratt, Sarah, 114.
Philips, Samuel, 357, 368.
Prefuse Island, 341.
Phillips (Philipps), Charles, 297, 373.
Prew, William, 539.
Phillips (Philips), John, 382, 457.
Price, Capt., 294.
Philpot, John, 351.
Price, Hyland, 300.
Phipps, Roger, 526.
Price, Thomas, 14, 15, 43, 44, 109, 138,
Picketing, Col., 519.
184, 188, 194, 217, 218, 220, 231, 234,
Piercy, Mr., 262.
235, 249, 256, 276, 288, 290, 293, 335,
Pigman, Nathaniel, 373.
384, 385, 520.
Pigot, William, 191.
Priestley (Prisely), Mary, 138, 326,421.
Pindell, Mr., 443.
Prince George's County, 78, 79, 113,
Pindle, Mrs., 125.
115, 181, 189, 196, 231, 273, 340, 356,
Pine, Frederick, 74.
362, 369, 426, 429, 447, 454, 475, 501,
Pinkney, Anthony, 386.
532. 551. 554- 555-
Pinkney, Jonathan. 386.
Prince Town, 28.
Pinkney, Priscilla, 106.
Princess Anne, 177, 351, 381, 458.
Piper, John, 464.
Proctor, John, 379, 409, 466.
Piper, Joseph, 382.
Prosser, Charles, 89, 90.
Pitsland, Richard, 73.
Province Island, 398.
Pitt, John, 140, 154/273,422.
Prudden, Samuel, 210.
Pitts, Mr., 257.
Pryor, Simon, 350.
Pittsburgh, 548.
Purdue, James, 351.
Place, Thomas, 356.
Purdy, John, 218.
Plain Dealing (place), 16, 17.
Purnal, Elisha, 350.
Plater, Col., 109, 184.
Purnal, Matthew, 350.
Plater (vessel), 226, 259, 298, 372, 535,
Purnal, Thomas, 350.
Purnal, William, 350.
Plowden, Edmund, 346.
Purnal (Purnell), Zadock, 286, 287, 314,
Pocomoke, 381.
350, 547- . .
Point Lookout, 164, 282.
Purnell (Purnal), Benjamin, 350, 429,
Polk, Gilliss, 381, 464.
Polk, James, 255, 318, 381.
Purnell (Purnal), John, 350, 428.
Polk, Josiah, 87, 318, 355, 365, 386, 391,
Purnell, Thomas, 428.
396, 408, 417, 424, 436.
Purviance, Robert, 326, 387, 469.
Polk, Robert, 297, 298.
Furviance, Samuel, 77, 248, 251, 258,
Polk, William, 301.
297. 326. 387. 469-
Pollen, Thomas, 200.
Furviance, Samuel, Jr., 87, 88, 92, 94.
Pollett, William, 200, 205.
Putnam, Israel, 28.
Polly (vessel), 210.
Ponsonby, Richard, 1 19.
Quaker Bridge, 28.
Poole, Thomas Samuel, 474.
Quantico, 381.