57^ Index to Names of Persons and Places.
Nichols, Thomas, 346, 374, 551.
Outton, Levin, 351.
Nicholson, Alexander, 62.
Owen, Robert, 373.
Nicholson, Benjamin, 372, 379.
Owens, Capt., 286, 350, 356.
Nicholson, James, 227, 229, 230, 233,
Owing, Richard, 384.
237. 244, 247, 255, 264, 267, 269, 290,
Owings, Caleb, 83, 525.
Owings, Christopher, 348, 369, 384.
Nicholson, Joseph, 32, 123, 210, 444,
Owings, I. Cockey, 348.
446, 481.
Owings, Joshua, 348.
Nicholson, Joseph, Jr., 103, 107, 109,
Owings, Nathaniel, 525.
117, 156, 164.
Owings, Samuel, 271, 272.
Nicholson, Nathan, 501.
Owings, Thomas, 348.
Ninety-two (vessel), 136, 169.
Oxford, 113.
Noble, Nehemiah, 295.
Noel, Edward, 337, 338.
Paca, Aquila, 274, 337, 540.
Norfolk, 49.
Paca, John, 337.
Norman, Benjamin, 526.
Paca, William, 240, 264, 267, 345, 354,
Norris, Benjamin Bradford, 135, 148,
358, 364, 409, 410, 411, 487, 531.
Page, John, 243.
Norris, George, 373.
Paramore, John, 351, 429.
Norris, Jacob, 254.
Paris, 236.
Norris, John, 373.
Parish, Edward, 348.
Norris, Martin, 485.
Parish, William, 359.
Norris, William, 373.
Parker, Aquila, 213, 379.
Northampton, 223.
Parker, Edward, 434.
North Carolina, 104, 311, 313, 469, 5^0,
Parker, John, 103, 545.
Parker, Jonathan, no, 477, 478, 497,
North River, 4, 28, 197.
North, William, 115.
Parker, Paul, 267, 268.
Norton, Mr., 168, 169.
Parker, Rachael, 188.
Norton and Beall, 234, 239, 259, 265,
Parker, Walter Smith, 348.
3'6. 3T7> 3i8, 320, 321, 409, 443, 478,
Parker, William, 351.
Parker's Mill, 122.
Norwood, John, 525.
Parran, Richard, 274.
Norwood, Nicholas, 105.
Parrott, Christopher, 291.
Norwood, Samuel, 343.'
Parsons, Benjamin, 331.
Nottingham, 370, 371, 504.
Parsons, George, 351.
Nourse, Joseph, 453.
Parsons, James, 283
Noyse. William, 71.
Parsons, John, 155, 171.
Null, Michael, 33.
Partrick, John, 129.
Nutter, Huit, 382.
Patapsco, 97, 201, 304, 363.
Nutter, Philip, 36.
Patterson, James, 351.
O'Bryan, Dennis, 212.
Patterson, John, 364, 374, 447, 535, 543.
Patterson (Paddison), William, 68, 69,
O'Bryan, James, 244.
O'Bryan, Patrick, MU.
113, 121, 122, 127, 128, 136, 151, 178.
O'Donnell, Constantine, 47.
Patton, Matthew, 412.
O'Donnell, Roger, 74.
Patuxent, 67, 174, 180, 182, 183, 232,
Offutt, James, 529.
363, 441, 504, 531.
Ogle, James, 68.
Payne, John, 276.
Ogleby, James, 98.
Payton, Mr., 175.
O'Hara, James, 324, 325.
Peach Bottom, 366.
Omensetter, John, 135, 170, 175.
O'Neal, Henry, 373.
Peale, St. George, 214, 215, 249, 250,
O'Neal, Johnson, 541.
Pearce, Capt., 280.
Onion, Zachariah, 362.
Pearson, Edward, 21.
Onions, John, 275.
Pearson, John, 74.
Orme, Archibald, 265, 373.
Peckham, John, 273.
Ott, Jacob, 42, 50.
Peckly, Henry, 350.
Ott, Michael, 42, ^u, 1$4.
Peggy (vessel), 48, 504.