580 Index to Names of Persons and Places.
Queen Anne, 232, 256, 340, 368, 380,
Richards, Joseph, 351.
45o. 5o4-
Richards, Peter, 74.
Queen Anne's County, 78, 79, 117, 135,
Richardson, Daniel, 103.
243, 256, 274, 279, 285, 308, 345, 352,
Richardson, Elisha, 271.
353> 364. 365, 387. 403, 426, 478, 488,
Richardson, John, 351, 456, 460, 462,
535. 543. 545. 547. 549. 55*. 552, 553.
Queen, Walter, 348.
Richardson, Joseph, 274, 299, 411, 434,
Quin, Barney, 74.
euintan, James, 350.
Richardson, Thomas, 273, 481, 506, 514.
uinton, Philip, 351, 428.
Richardson, William, 82, 109, no, in,
Quynn, Allen, 263, 268, 282, 303, 417,
124, 126, 140, 145, 171, 193, 194, 204,
209, 210, 229, 232, 236, 242, 271, 275,
277, 283-288, 293, 294, 305, 306, 309,
Raberk, Christopher, 405.
3H. 337, 338, 344, 345, 35T, 352, 355,
Ragan, Daniel, 557.
358i 359, 362, 364, 370, 402, 429, 430,
Rahm, Jacob, 403.
470, 480, 531.
Ramsay, Capt., 325.
Richmond, Christopher, 29, 247, 282.
Ramsay, Nathaniel, 171.
Riukeus, DaviU, 137.
Randall, Aquila, 199, 270, 376, 384.
Ricketts, Thomas, 525.
Randall, George, 380.
Riddle, Eleanor, 539.
Randall, John, 240, 493-496.
Ridgely, Charles, 210.
Ransburgh, George, 551.
Ridgely, Frederick, 15, 33.
Rany, James, 73.
Ridgely, Henry, 198, 263, 274.
Raper, James, 346.
Ridgely, Nicholas, 347.
Raper, William, 346.
Ridgely, Richard, 121, 129, 131, 144,
Ratcliffe, Capt., 286.
146, 150, 152, 156, 187, 188, 192, 193,
Ratliff, John, 350.
252, 279, 288, 303, 321, 544, 560.
Ratliff, Nathaniel, 350.
Ridgeway, James, 142, 205, 394.
Rawlings, Francis, 448, 453, 481, 530,
Ridgeway, Samuel, 537.
53i. 556-
Ridgs, Robert, 71, 72.
Rawlings' Tavern, 390.
Rigby, James Townly, 525.
Ray, John, 347, 373, 456.
Rigdon, Alexander, 129.
Ray, Nicholas, 373.
Riggs, Amon, 362, 373, 375.
Razor, Jacob, 376.
Riley, William, 75.
Read, Mr., 355.
Ringgold, Thomas, 75, 85, 114.
Rebecca and Sally (vessel), 210.
Ringgold, William, 243, 273.
Reed, John, 408.
Rister, Philip, 348.
Reed, William, 74.
Ritchie, James, 541.
Reeder, Henry, 273.
Roach, James, 346, 427.
Reeder, Hezekiah, 171.
Roberdeau, Daniel, 187, 188.
Reeder, John, 345.
Roberts, William, 83, 218, 430.
Reeder, John, Jr., 273.
Robertson, George, 143, 146, 231, 288,
Reeder, Thomas Attaway, 346.
Rees, George, 74.
Robertson, William, 373.
Register, John, 295.
Robesson (Robosson), Elijah, 77, 263,
Reid, James, 72.
274, 282, 357, 525.
Reid (Reed, Read), Robert, 167, 212,
Robin, Capt., 286.
221, 226, 320, 438, 526.
Robins, John Purnal, 350, 428.
Reith, Robert, 540.
Robins, Littleton, 350.
Resolution (vessel), 136.
Robinson, Alexander, 294.
Reswick, Wilfred, 346.
Robinson, David, 294, 387.
Rewastico Company, 382.
Robinson, Hampton, 531.
Reynolds, John, 294, 308.
Robinson, Thomas, 74, 473.
Reynolds, Robert, 102, 468, 480.
Robinson, William, 392.
Rhode Island, 153, 558.
Robosson, Richard, 525.
Rhodes, Richard, 89-92, 98, 99.
Robson, Joseph, 300.
Rialy (Reiley), John, 396, 490.
Rodda, Martin, 378.
Rice, James, 73.
Rodwell, Sergt., 63.
Rich, Peter, 295.
Roe, Usher and Co., 372.