568 Index to Names of Persons and Places.
Dyson, Andrew, 401.
Evans, John, 457.
Evans, Joseph, 525.
Eades, Robert, 530.
Evans, Levin, 164, 189, 190.
Earle, Benjamin, 543.
Evans, Philip, 346.
Earle, James, 295
Evans, Richard, 190.
Earle, Michael, 75, 76, 85, 353.
Everett, James, 95.
Eastman, Joseph, 153, 198, 263, 325.
Everitt, klisha, 529.
Eccleston, John, 273, 550.
Evitt, Seth, 299.
Eddis, William, 271.
Ewing, Capt., 282.
Edelin, Christopher, 218, 291, 304, 421,
Ewing, Col., 34.
Ewing, John, 381.
Eden, John, 345.
Ewing, Robert, 212.
Eden, Robert, 71.
Eden Town, 252.
Fackler, Capt., 42.
Edgar, Elisha, 214.
Fad (Ford?), Co)., 318.
Edgerly, Edward, 473, 514, 521, 526,
Fairbairn, Benjamin, 421.
Fairbrother, Francis, 399, 556.
Edmondson, Samuel, 305, 306, 307, 319.
Fairchild, Reuben, 154.
Edmonston, Thomas, 373.
Farnandis, James, 216, 306, 399.
Edwards, Benjamin, 346.
Farris, William, 424.
Edwards, John, 346.
Fashion (vessel), 255, 260.
Edwards, Jonathan, 346.
Fassitt, James, 350.
Egg Harbour, 322, 469.
Faw, Abraham, 300, 347, 418, 426, 435,
Eggart (Eppart), Andrew, 37, 54.
450, 45T' 520, 550.
Eichenberger, Barnaby, 23, 24.
Fells Point, 97.
Elder, Francis, 68, 106.
Fennell, Stephen, 74.
Elder, Ignatius, 68, 106.
Fenwick, Ignatius, 346, 422, 468, 480,
Elk Ferry, 349.
493.494. 5"-
Elk Point, 349.
Fenwick, Philip, 346.
Elk Ridge, 174, 180, 197, 219, 253, 342,
Ferguson, David, 291.
362, 380, 387, 398, 437, 521, 525.
Findley, George, 403.
Elk River, 304, 324, 341, 349, 352, 353,
Finley, Ebenezer, 257, 308.
355. 492. 494^ 496, 502, 509, 510, 514,
Firkinger, John, 421.
Fish, Benjamin, 286, 525.
Ellicott, Andrew, 66, 343, 347, 525.
Fisher (Fischer), Adam, 15, 33.
Elliot, Capt., 295.
Fisher, Daniel, 438.
Elliott, Benjamin, 403.
Fisher, Samuel, 51.
Elliott, Thomas, 243.
Fisher, Thomas, 214.
Elzey, Arnold, 255.
Fitzhugh, Peregrine, 384.
Elzey, James, 381, 457.
Flannagan, Mr., 353.
Emory, Arthur, 244, 426.
Memmmg, John, 457.
Emory, Capt., 285, 292.
Fletcher, Jacob, 33.
Emory, Gideon, 135.
Flin, Edward, 217.
Emory, Richard, 429.
Flying Camp, 14, 34, 43. 44, 45, 49, 64,
Emory, Thomas, 295.
68, 78, 128, 159, 222, 287, 309, 334.
Ennalls, John, 426, 482.
Foard, Joseph, 547.
Ennalls, Joseph, 283, 285, 482, 483, 528.
Folsom, Nathaniel, 503.
Ennalls, Joseph, Jr., 531.
Fookes, Daniel, 155, 171.
Ennalls, William, 21, 220, 274, 427.
Fookes, Jonathan, 156, 171.
Ennis, Jesse, 351.
Forbes, James, 497, 550.
Ennis, Joseph, 350.
Forbes, William, 74.
Enright (Henright), John, 450, 536.
Forch, Benjamin, 216.
Enterprize (vessel), in, 191, 372.
Ford, Athanasius, 438, 554.
Erreckson, James, 295.
Ford, Benjamin, 19, 66, 173, igr, 224,
Escape (vessel), 196.
243, 254, 265, 273, 294, 308, 326.
Esther (vessel), 208.
Ford, Hezekiah, 244.
Evans, David, 124, 412.
Ford, Joseph, 399, 430, 454.
Evans, Henry, 356.
Ford, Philip, 536.
Evans, Isaac, 350.
Ford, William, 374.