Index to Names of Persons and Places. 569
Foreman, John, 277, 374.
Furnival, Alexander, 39,40, 58, 139, 144,
Forepaugh, William, 362.
145, 198, 199, 209, 212, 278, 279, 286,
Forman, Ezekiel, 408, 426, 478, 479,
324, 325, 372, 375, 378, 421, 433, 435,
481, 527, 538.
Forrest, Uriah, 44, 138, 142, 239, 260.
Forrest, Zachariah, 346, 468.
Gaither, Basil, 350, 373.
Forrest, Zephaniah, 346.
Gaither, Benjamin, 373.
Forrester, Alexander, 74.
Gaither, Burgess, 373.
Forrester, Cornelius, 74.
Gaither, Edward, 525, 534.
Forrester, John, 74.
Gaither, George, 346.
Forster, Joseph, 310.
Gaither, Greenbury, 350, 373.
Fort Frederick, 439, 443, 445, 453, 487,
Gaither, Henry, 430, 529.
506, 518, 519, 530, 545, 551, 555, 556.
Gaither, John, 296, 373.
Fort Hackensack, 4, n.
Gaither, Vachel, 438, 525.
Fort Island, 396.
Gaither, William, 373.
Fort Lee, 4.
Galatea (vessel), 191.
Fort Mifflin, 397, 407, 414.
Galbraith, William, 29,31, 45,58, 121,
Fort Schuyler, 361.
156, 190, 196, 241, 245, 359, 361, 363,
Fort Stanwix, 365.
384. 394-
Fort Washington, 289, 433. 515.
Gale, Edward, 63, 471, 480, 485, 492,
Fortune (vessel), 224.
497. 498-
Fountain, Collier, 504.
Gale, George, 393, 446.
Fountain, Thomas, 382.
Gale, Henry, 381, 457.
Foutz, Henry, 550.
Gale, Levin, 274, 328, 329, 330.
Fowey (vessel), 71.
Galloway, Benjamin, 85, 335, 455, 487,
Fowler, John, 37, 54.
504, 507.
Fox, Charles, 347.
Galloway, John, 114.
Fox, Edward, 326. 378, 508.
Gambier, Richard, 303.
Foxwell, Roger, 343.
Game Cock (vessel), 280.
Foy, Michael, 309, 388.
Gann, Thomas, 214.
France, 22, 170, 174, 175, 197, 211, 496,
Gantt, Thomas, 325.
499, 500.
Gantt, Thomas, Jr., 273.
Franklin, Benjamin, 362, 499, 500.
Gardiner, Luke, 74.
Frantum, Richard, 299.
Gardner, Clement, 345.
Frazer, Levin, 326.
Gardner, William, 348.
Frazier, Capt., 284, 429.
Garner, Hugh, 170, 171.
Frazier, Joshua, 106, 452.
Garretson, Cornelius, 243, 271,320,379,
Frazier, William, 257.
380, 401.
Frederick, 62, 159, 209, 211, 213, 215,
Garrett, Amos, 149.
216, 246, 248, 251, 258, 261, 262, 293,
Garthes, Mr., 341.
295, 297, 298, 300, 304, 336, 346, 368,
Gartz, Charles, 347, 348.
376, 380, 381, 384, 386, 390, 418, 426,
Gassaway, Charles, 373.
450, 451, 467, 468, 490, 514, 516.
Gassaway, John, 104.
Frederick County, 6, 103, 132, 135, 245,
Gassaway, Thomas, 263, 272.
263, 274, 326, 348, 363, 364, 368, 426,
Gates, Horatio, 64, 116, 123, 487, 490,
450, 451. 468, 490, 516, 536, 551.
507, 519, 545, 550.
Fredericksburg, 441, 485.
Gauden, Preston, 299.
French, Henrietta, 372.
Gault, William, 350.
French, Thomas, 372.
Gavane (Govane ?), James, 393.
French Town, 46.
Geddis, Henry, 291.
Friendship (vessel), 136, 195.
Frisby, James, 409.
Geddis, William, 444, 446, 480, 481.
General Gates (vessel), 483.
Frisby. Richard, 273.
General Mercer (vessel), 220.
Frost, William, 539.
General Smallwood (vessel), 436, 475,
Fry, John, 131.
Fulford, John, 58, 75, 77, 121, 131, 138,
Geoghan, George, 347.
139, 147, 156, 165, 200, 262, 299. 321,
George, Joshua, 148.
322, 340, 418, 452, 463, 470, 471, 473,
George Town, 297, 298, 470, 480, 492,
474. 5'5-
506, 514, 520.