Index to Names of Persons and Places. 567
Deer Creek, 129.
Donohoe, Bartholomew, 74.
Defence (vessel), 5, 30, 32, 51, 53, 62,
Donohoe, Daniel, 73.
74, 75, 84, 143, 144, 147, 166, 178, 195,
Dorchester County, 19, 21, 65, 109,220,
201, 212, 229, 232, 233, 235, 278, 281,
274. 283. 337. 426, 436, 482, 532, 541,
298, 299, 307, 313, 315, 324, 336, 341,
551. 554-
359. 409, 423, 433. 44i, 473. 488, 535,
Dority, Joseph, 552.
Dorsey, Edward, 556.
Delahay, Thomas, 168.
Dorsey, Elie, 474.
Delaware, 104, 396, 550.
Dorsey, Elisha, 369.
Delaware Bay, 188, 233, 365, 523.
Dorsey, John, 257, 263, 325, 347, 386,
Delaware River, 371, 407, 414, 550.
398. 413, 456, 47o. 525-
Delaware (vessel), 556.
Dorsey, John Worthington, 525.
Delhatn, Mr., 366.
Dorsey, Josiah, 318.
Dennis, Benjamin, 351.
Dorsey, Mrs., 97.
Dennis, Elizabeth, 7.
Dorsey, Nicholas, 75, 557.
Dennis, Henry, 351.
Dorsey, Nicholas, Jr., 263.
Dennis, John, 274, 428.
Dorsey, Richard, 245, 307, 308, 311,
Dennis, William, 351.
315, 324, 362, 387. 455, 472.
Denny, Peter, 295.
Dorsey, Samuel, 22, 130, 131, 132, 150,
Dent, George, 274.
353, 556.
Dent, Hezekiah, 401.
Dorsey, Samuel, Jr., 275.
Dent, John, 274.
Dorsey, Thomas, 78, 79, 82, 213, 263,
Dent, Thomas, 356.
35o, 35i> 359, 367, 456, 525, 55'-
Denwood, John, 199, 381.
Douglass, Mr., 129.
De Snields, Francis, 74.
Dover, 228.
Deshon, Daniel, 541, 542.
Dowden, Michael, 373.
Desire (vessel), 23.
Dowlin, Thomas, 374.
De Vaubrien, M., 136.
Downes, Charles, 476, 551.
Devenish, Miss, 82.
Downes, George, 351.
Devorix, Valentine, 403.
Downes, Henry, 288.
Dewit, Elizabeth, 46.
Downs, William, 149.
Dewitt, Thomas, 46, 272, 278.
Dowson, Joseph, 430, 527.
Deye, Mr., 444.
Doyle, Thomas, 161, 162, 405.
Dick, Robert, 119.
Draine, John, 103, 219, 292, 305, 306.
Dickeson (Dickinson), Brittingham,
Drane, James, 273.
348, 422, 526.
Dresbury, George Gould, 94.
Dickinson, Charles, 274.
Driver, Matthew, 299, 406.
Dickinson, Henry, 434.
Drone, Elizabeth, 181.
Dickinson (Dickerson), John, 274, 283,
Drury, Charles, 526.
285, 296, 373.
Ducker, Jeremiah', 296, 373.
Diggs, Joseph, 362, 454.
Duckett, Jacob, 454.
Dillam, John, 269.
Duckett, Richard, 273.
Dimnoch, William, 532.
Duckett, Rignall, 503.
Disney, James, 162, 198.
Duckett, Thomas, 454.
Dixon, Samuel, 381, 457.
Dudley, Joshua, 549.
Dixon, William, 381.
Duer, Col, 217.
Dobson, Capt., 307.
Duer, Joshua, 351.
Dobson, Isaac, 520.
Duett, Thomas, 372.
Dobson, John, 450.
Duffey, Thomas, 295.
Dolphin (vessel), 121, 127, 138, 161,
Dugan, Cumberland, 125, 126,366,463.
212, 232, 255, 321, 372, 474, 477, 508,
Dunbar, Joseph, 463.
512, 521, 535.
Dunmore, Lord, 47, 71, 72.
Dombough, John, 348.
Dunn, Mary, 27.
Dominica, 121, 136.
Dunnehour, George, 374.
Done, John, no, 159, 203, 285, 286, 287,
Duvall, Edward, 216.
Duvall, George, 40, 159, 192, 193, 252,
Done, Robert, no, 203, 350.
279, 418, 428, 454, 544, 560.
Done, William, 159.
Duvall, Marsh Mareen, 363.
Donovan, Timothy, 74.
Dwiggins, James, 294.