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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 553   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland, 1777-1778. 553

this State in the Penalty of five thousand Pounds Current
Money with sufficient Security to be approved of by this
Board or by some Justice of the Peace for Queen Annes
County. Conditioned for his the said Edward Tilghman Per-
sonal Appearance before the next General Court to be held
for the Eastern Shore to answer for his going into Phila whilst
in Possession of the Enemy without having obtained Permis-
sion from the Governor and Council of this State and not
departing the said Court without Leave thereof and further
for his not going out of Queen Annes County nor more than
five Miles from the Dwelling House of his ffather Edward
Tilghman without the Leave of the Governor and Council of
this State for the Time being unless for the purpose of Attend-
ing the General Court as aforesaid and for his returning from
the same Court as soon as permitted within the said Limit.
But the said Edward Tilghman Junr not having such Security
here ready he is therefore committed to the Custody of the
Sheriff of Queen Annes County there to remain until duly

C. B.

[Council to S. Smith.]

In Council 26th March 1778.
Thomas Worthington complains to us that one Benjamin
Todd, who we suppose is a Sergeant, inlisted his Convict
Servant Man named Thomas Bennett, knowing that he was
his Servant, and that he applied to you for the Servant, and
you refuse to return him. We are at a Loss to conjecture on
what Principle a Servant, and especially a convicted one, could
be inlisted or detained, as we have no Law to warrant such a
Proceeding, and, from the frequent Desertions of People so
circumstanced, Genl Washington thought proper to discounte-
nance it. We request, on Mr Worthington's shewing that
Thomas Bennett is his Servant, that you will restore him and
that you'll give Orders to the Officers under you, not to inlist
Servants, by which you will prevent their running away from
their Masters, in Hopes of getting to the Enemy which, whilst
Servants were inlisted, proved a great Injury to the People of
this State, and very little, if at all, strengthened our Army.
Lt Colo Saml Smith. We are &ca

C. C.


Friday, 27th March 1778
Present as on yesterday.

Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Joseph
Dashiell Esq. one thousand two hundred and seventy two

C. B.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 553   View pdf image (33K)
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