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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 554   View pdf image (33K)
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554 Journal and Correspondence

C. B,

. Pounds, sixteen Shillings and five Pence Balance due to him
on Account as per Acct examined & passed by the Com of
That the said Treasurer pay to Elizabeth Maw Ten pounds
for Rent of her House as a Barrack as per Account examd &
passed by the Com of Claims
That the said Treasurer Pay to Richard Crabb eleven
Pounds for the use of Joshua Harbin due to him for Waggon
hire for the Virginia Troops per Certa allowed by the Com-
mittee of Claims.
That the said Treasurer pay to Col. Joseph Dashiell eight
thousand Dollars out of the money remitted by Congress for
the Purchase of Provisions to be expended for that use and
Accounted for — the further Sum of Eight thousand Dollars
to be delivered over to Colo John Stewart for the purpose of
Purchasing Provs in Somerset County to be accounted for and
also the further Sum of four thousand Dollars to be delivered
over to James Sullivane of Dorchester County for the purpose
of Purchasing Provisions & to be accounted for.
That the said Treasurer pay to Jonathan Parker two Pounds
eighteen Shillings and nine pence due him for going Express
to Baltimore per Account passed by the Committee of Claims
That the said Treasurer pay to Henry Kersey a light Horse-
man who came down with the Money sent by Congress for
the Purchase of Provisions Ten Dollars to bear his Expences
back to York.
That the said Treasurer Pay to Athanasius Ford Eighty
Pounds sixteen Shillings to be delivered over to Capt. John
Greenwell for the use of Part of the 21st Battalion of Mila
under his Command whilst in actual Service per Pay Roll
examined & passed by the Committee of Claims.
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Col. Stone 5 pr
Stockings five pair Shoes, 7 Blankets, 7 Coats, 7 Waistcoats,
22 pr Breeches and 34 Shirts to be charged to the first Regi-
It Appears that Joseph Jenkins son of John Jenkins of
Prince Georges County was born in this State that he was
long since duly enrolled in Captain Andrew Bealls Company
of Militia and on the 28th Day of February last took the Oath
of Fidelity and Support to this State agreeable to the Laws
thereof and from any thing that appears he hath been always
a Resident and Subject to this State and the said Joseph Jen-
kins complaining to this Board that he hath been drafted
in Virginia for a Soldier as an Inhabitant and Subject thereof
and threatened to be taken from his Home as such, on no
other ground than his having travelled into the Back Parts of
Virginia with an Intention of Purchasing a piece of Land for

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 554   View pdf image (33K)
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