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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 552   View pdf image (33K)
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552 Journal and Correspondence

C. B.

Thursday 26th March 1778
Present as on yesterday

Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt.
John Courts Jones sent down by General Smallwood on the
recruiting Service as appears by his Orders of the 2d Inst. five
hundred Dollars out of the money lately sent by Congress for
the recruiting Service to be charged to the 7th Maryland
That the said Treasurer pay to Col. Eneas Campbell five
hundred and fifteen Pounds two Shillings and ten Pence due
the Militia of Montgomery County, lately under his Command
whilst in actual Service per Accts passed by the Committee of
Joseph Dority of Baltimore County took the Oath of Fidelity
& Support to this State according to the late Act & Certifi-
cate given
The Council advise Pardons to James Matthias Charles
Close, William Clark Samuel Coyle, and James Bradley con-
demned at Baltimore County Court On Condition that they
shall respectively enlist themselves Soldiers in some of the
Maryland Regiments of Continental Troops and shall not
desert from the Service and Pardons granted accordingly.
Ordered That Thomas Johnson Junr Clerk of the Council
receive of James Brookes late Clerk of the former Council of
Maryland under the old Government all the Book? and Papers
which were in the Hands or Custody of the said James
Brookes as Clerk of the said former Council and that the said
Books and Papers be deposited with the Books Papers and
Proceedings of this Board.
Edward Tilghman Junr of Queen Annes County appeared
before this Board in the Custody of the Sheriff of the said
County according to the Order of the twenty first Day of this
Instant and acknowledges his having gone into Philadelphia
whilst in Possession of the Enemy without Permission from
the Governor and Council and again returning from thence
without calling at any Post occupied by the Army of the
United States and further that previous to his coming out he
gave his Parole not to say or do any Thing against the Service
of the King of Great Britain or to bear Arms against him
and to return to the Head Quarters of the Commander in
Chief of the British Forces when required and also that he
considered himself bound to return again according to his
Parole if called on. Whereupon this Board adjudge that
there are good grounds to believe the going at Large of the
said Edward Tilghman may be dangerous to the Safety of
this State and Therefore Order that he give Bond payable to

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 552   View pdf image (33K)
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