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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 551   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland, 1777-1778. 551

Ransburgh and nine Pounds six Shillings and two Pence for
the use of Jacob Pence for Pasturage Hay and Wood furnished
per Accounts passed by the Committee of Claims
That the said Treasurer pay to Richard Crabb, eight
Pounds five Shillings for the use of Thomas Nichols for
Waggon hire per Accot passed by the Comr of Claims.
The following Persons are appointed Agents for Purchasing
Provisions for the Army of the United States agreeable to an
Act of Assembly passed the 23d Inst.

C. B.

Saint Marys County

Capt. John Thomas


Daniel Jenifer


Patrick Smith

Prince Georges

Thomas Clagett

Ann Arundel

Col. Thomas Dorsey


Capt John Sterett remov'd


William Beatty


Richard Davis


William Waters refus'd to act


William Bond of Joshua


Samuel Gilpin


William Houston

Queen Annes

Charles Downes


Col Peregrine Tilghman resign'd


James Sullivan


Nathl Potter


John Stewart


Joseph Dashiell

[Council to R. Davis.]

In Council Annapolis 25th March 1778.
Inclosed you will receive five Copies of an Act of the
present Session of Assembly for collecting Provisions and an
Appointment of you as Agent for that Purpose. As a Number
of Prisoners will be kept at Fort Frederick and a Guard
placed there over them, we think it adviseable for you to
deposit the Provisions as convenient as may be to Fort Fred-
erick. Colo Rawlings will deliver you this and we shall be
glad you would concert Measures with him for collecting the
Provisions above. We design he should have the Command
of the Militia who may Guard the Prisoners and the Superin-
tendance of the Business at the Fort; his Acquaintance with
Things of this Nature makes it very proper, and we wish the
Gent of your County to do all they can towards enabling him
to go through it with Reputation to himself and the State.
Richard Davis Esqr We are &ca

C. C.


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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 551   View pdf image (33K)
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