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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 550   View pdf image (33K)
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550 Journal and Correspondence

C. C.

not carry the money, I have got from the Board of War, a
Dragoon to goe with him to Baltimore and from thence he
says he can contrive it. A Letter came to hand a day or two
agoe from Genl Smallwood to Genl Washington informing of
a large Fleet being gone down the Delaware of upwards of
one hundred saile, many of which are small Vessells, said to
have Troops on board by information from deserters from
Philaa they have only eighteen days provisions on board, there-
fore concluded only to be sent on a Forredging party to the
State of Delaware, or perhaps to the Chesepeak Bay
Mr Chase is just arrived, but seems to be determined to
make but short stay, on Account of the very bad accommoda-
tions this place affords.
Your Lettr to Genl Gates on the Subject of an Embargoe &
the Virga Frigate was committed and a report ready but it
has not yet been taken up in Congress I apprehend an
Embargoe on provisions will take place, but am affraid a
general one will not be agreed to when any thing material
occurs shall do my self the honour of writing you & am very
respectlly Sir
Your most Obedt Servt
James Forbes
NB. Virga & N. York only, have agreed on form to the
ratification of the Confederation most of the other States
have proposed amendments, but the Members say they are
instructed to ratefy, if the amendments cant be obtained, noe
time fixt for taking up this matter in Congress. J. F.

C. B

Wednesday 25th March 1778.
Present as on yesterday

William Murdock of Prince Georges County, Henry Merick
and Thomas Brown of Ann Arundel County took the Oath of
Fidelity and Support to this State according to the late Act
and Certificates given.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt
Eccleston seven hundred and twenty Dollars out of the money
lately sent by Congress for the recruiting Service to be
charged to the second Maryland Regiment by G Smallwoods
That the said Treasurer pay to Abraham Faw two thousand
five hundred and ninty six pounds ten Shillings and three
pence per Account passed the Committee of Claims for
Cloathing Purchased, Fourteen Pounds nine Shillings for the
use of Henry Cook, Forty Pounds ninteen Shillings and six
pence for the use of Lodowick Camp, Henry Foutz and Geo

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 550   View pdf image (33K)
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