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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 547   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland, 1777-1778. 547

purchased below & sent thither, we have amongst them
ready made Shirts, Shoes & Stockings and some Blankets ;
Part of the Cloth we shall send to Baltimore. A Galley is
gone for the Goods and we hope to be soon relieved from our
Difficulties, as to every Thing but Blankets.
Colo Samuel Smith. We are Sir &ca

C. C.

[Council to W. Wright.]

In Council Annapolis 21st March 1778.
Inclosed you'll receive a Warrant for the arresting of Edward
Tilghman Junr which you are desired to execute immediately
William Wright Esqr We are &ca
Sheriff of Queen Ann's Coty


Monday 23d March 1778
Present as on Saturday except Thomas Sim Lee Esqr

Commission issued to Samuel Handy Esqr appointed Col.
in the room of Zadock Purnell Esqr who resigned and William
Morris Lieut Col of the Synnepuxent Battalion of Militia in
Worcester County
Doct Johnson is requested to Let Doct. Craigg have 250 lb
Bark to be charged to the Continent taking his receipt for the
Joseph Foard and Joseph Meek Junr of Ann Arundel
County took the Oath of Fidelity and Support to this State
according to the late Act & Certas given.
Discharge given to Robert Hurdle of Capt Truman's Com-
pany of the Sixth Maryland Regiment of Continental Troops
having sore Legs and being represented by Doct. Wallace
and Doctr Johnson as not likely to in a long time if at all to
become fit for the Service he is therefore discharged he having-
returned the Cloathing lately received and he not having per-
formed any Service relinquishing all claim to pay.

C. B.

[Council to I. Van Bibber.]

In Council 23d March 1778.
We have an Expectation of having considerably more than
£7000 offered for the Defence. We know it was the Idea of
many of the Gentlemen of the Assembly that she ought to sell
for at least £10000, and if she does not bring full that Sum,

C. C.


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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 547   View pdf image (33K)
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