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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 548   View pdf image (33K)
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548 Journal and Correspondence

C. C.

we think it would be better to freight her for Part of her
Cargoe, or to hold her in Partnership. We should have chose
one of the Latter, but we are not at Liberty now the Assembly
is sitting: we expect they will give Directions about her.
Mr Isaac VanBibber. We are &ca


[Council to S. Hughes.]

In Council Annapolis 23rd March 1778.
We inclose you a Letter for the Governor of New Orleans
which you'll seal and, if you see proper, deliver to him. You
are sufficiently acquainted with our Wants of Musquets,
Blankets, Cloathing and Medecines for our Troops. If any
Quantity of either of these Articles of, or through the Influ-
ence of the Governor, and a Prospect of getting them up the
Ohio to Pitsburg or to North Carolina or Virginia should
open, and the Price at New Orleans will justify the Risk and
Expences, we request you'll contract for this State, gaining as
long a Credit as you can. The best Chance for a Remittance
within the Time of your Contract, would be in Flower to the
Havannah and perhaps suit the Spanish Government very
well. If you should be so fortunate to have it in your Power
to contract in a large Extent, to your Satisfaction, we could
wish you to purchase as far as 4000 Stand of Arms, as Many
Blankets, Cloth for 3 or 4000 Suits for Soldiers 2000lb of Jesuits
Bark and 150lb Spanish Flies, but, if any Thing like so con-
siderable, the Risk must be divided. We wish you an agree-
able and useful Tour. And are with great Truth

and Regard

Mr Samuel Hughes. Sir &ca


[Gov. Johnson to Governor of New Orleans.]

Annapolis in Maryland 23d March 1778.
Mr Samuel Hughes, a Gentleman of this State and one of
our Legislative Body, designing to visit New Orleans, by the
Rout of the Ohio and Mississipi; my Acquaintance with and
knowlege of him will not suffer me to omit the Occasion of
contributing what I can towards his being honored with your
Excellency's Notice and favoured, if necessary with your Pro-
tection, to which I take the Liberty of recommending him.
He wishes with me that a mutually beneficial Intercourse
might take Place between the Subjects of his most Catholic
Majesty and those of the States of America. The Interrup-

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 548   View pdf image (33K)
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