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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 546   View pdf image (33K)
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546 Journal and Correspondence

C. B.

his County and him immediately bring before this Board that
he may be dealt with according to Law.

C. C.


[Council to R. Dallam.]

In Council Annapolis 21st March 1778.
Colo Smith writes us that he is now in want of 20 Blankets
& some Shoes and Stockings for Recruits. Be pleased to
deliver him the 20 Blankets and as many Pair of Shoes and
Stockings: the rest of the Cloathing which you may have
collected we request you to send to Baltimore Town, where
the Recruits are generally collected and where it may be
issued to them with Convenience. We are &ca
Mr Rd Dallam.


[Council to Delegates in Congress.]

In Council Annapolis 21st March 1778.
Mr Howard, the Bearer of this, goes to Congress with our
Letter to the President, applying for 100000 Dollars according
to the inclosed Resolution. It is not designed that the Col-
lector of the Provisions should wait the Receipt of the Money,
but it is very desirable that a Part of it should be sent by Mr
Howard and further Sums, as good Opportunities may offer.
The Advantages of having Money in Hand are so obvious
that we hope our Request will be complied with. Mr Chase
is so lately from hence that he can give you all the Informa-
tion that we can, respecting our internal Affairs.
Delegates for Maryland We are Gent &ca
in Congress.


[Council to S. Smith.]

In Council Annapolis 21st March 1778.
We think it adviseable to make the Purchase of the Leather
Breeches with the Deduction of 30/. a Pair as you mention.
We inclose you an Order on Mr Dallam for the 20 Blankets &
20 Pair of Shoes and Stockings, the rest to be sent to Balti-
more as indeed we long ago ordered, as to the Whole which
might be collected in Harford. We shall not be able we are
apprehensive, to comply with your Request by Capt Lands-
dale, before we get the Goods from Cambridge which were

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 546   View pdf image (33K)
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