of the Council of Maryland, 1777-1778. 443
you'll furnish us with an Account of her Cost as soon as pos-
sible, as we may give Directions as to the Sale of her.
Mr Archibald Buchanan We are &ca
C. C.
[Council to J. Dashiell.]
In Council Annapolis 22d Decr 1777.
We have desired Cole George Dashiell to retain 100 Stand
of Arms for Somerset and to deliver to you as many for Wor-
cester County and have requested that the Remainder, with
the Goods you and he have purchased may be sent up in Capt
Walker's Galley. We wish you, if not too inconvenient, to
consult together and dispatch the Galley. The Woollens of
which you sent us Samples of the Width, we suppose, are
bought much to our Satisfaction and will be very useful. We
think with you that the Purchase of Goods would have been
easier and cheaper with Cash in Hand than on Drafts, but
the Assembly have chose the latter Way which, in large Sums,
will make no great Difference. We shall be obliged to you to
have an Eye to the Inlets for Woollens, Shoes & Hats, which
are by much the most wanted We are &ca
Joseph Dashiell Esqr
Lt of Worcester County
[Council to Norton and Beall.]
In Council Annapolis 22d Decr 1777.
You will be pleased to deliver any Goods, belonging to this
State, which you may have in your Care to Mr the Bearer
of this, and we shall be much obliged to you for your Advice
and Assistance to him in procuring Carriage for them.
Messrs Norton & Beall. We are &ca
[Council to S. Hughes.]
In Council 22d Decr 1777.
Inclosed is a Resolution of the General Assembly for putting
Fort Frederick Barracks in Repair, for the Reception of Pris-
oners. We shall be much obliged to you to employ Work-
men immediately to do it. The Gap in the Wall made by
Pindell, must be made up again and, as we are informed,
Doors and Windows will be wanted as well as some Plank for