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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 442   View pdf image (33K)
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442 Journal and Correspondence

C. C.

some Goods, and to lade them when you may safely & pru-
dently take them in. Take a Memorandum of every Thing
you receive and, as soon as you get the Things, make all the
Dispatch you can to this Place. The Things are of great
Value and the utmost Care & Attention is expected.
Cap' Thos Walker. We are &ca


[Council to G. Dashiell.]

In Council Annapolis 22d Decr 1777.
We have not heard whether you have got the Arms from
the Cherry Stones or not, if you have, we wish you to retain
for the Use of Somerset County, as many Boxes as make 100
Stand, to deliver as many Boxes, for the Use of Worcester
County to Colo Joseph Dashiell, as make 100 Stand. We
would not have the Boxes broke and the Arms picked, we
suppose there are 25 in a Box; the Remainder, if you think it
safe, send up in the Baltimore Galley Capt. Walker, who we
would also have bring up what Goods you and Colo Jos.
Dashiell may have purchased with the Invoices.
If you think there is too much Risk in sending the Arms
and Goods in the Galley, we wish you and your Brother to
get Carriage and forward them higher up, where the Galley
may, prudently take them in. This Galley or another shall
return again soon. We are Sir &ca
George Dashiell Esqr
Lt of Somerset County


[Council to G. Wells.]

In Council 22d Decr 1777.
The General Assembly have ordered the Galley, now on
the Stocks in Balto to be sold as she now is. We therefore
request you will not proceed in finishing her, but furnish us
with an Account of her Cost as soon as you possibly can,
below which she cannot be sold and, of Course, not 'til we are
furnished with the Account.
Mr George Wells We are Sir &ca
Balt Town


[Council to A. Buchanan.]

In Council 22d Decr 1777.
The General Assembly having ordered the Galley now in
Gunpowder River to be sold, not under her Cost, we request

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 442   View pdf image (33K)
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