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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 444   View pdf image (33K)
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444 Journal and Correspondence

C. C.

the Floors. They need only be done in a rough Way. Mr
Denton Jacques told the Governor that he believed his and
Kempner's Mills could soon furnish the Plank necessary. If
your private Affairs will not permit you to attend to this Busi-
ness, we request you will prevail on some Gent whose Activity
can be relied on, to undertake the Management of it. Great

Expedition is necessary and therefore we wish a sufficient

Number of Workmen to be hired. Be so obliging as to
acknowledge the Receipt of this and to advise us what time
we may expect the Barracks will be fit to receive the Prisoners.
To Samuel Hughes Esq. We are, &c.

C. B.

Tuesday 23 December 1777.
Present as on yesterday.

Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Archi-
bald Chisholm ninty one Pounds, five Shillings for Damages
done to Nathan Waters's House in Annapolis per Account
That the said Treasurer pay to Richard Murrow Thirty
three pounds seventeen Shillings and six pence due to him &
the men on board the Plater per Account passed the Board.
That the said Treasurer pay to Samuel Gerock Fifty Pounds
for the use of the Hospital in Baltimore to be accounted for.
That the said Treasurer pay to Mr Deye Thirty seven
pounds six Shillings and eight pence to be delivered over to
Leonard Belt per Acct pssd
The Council proceeded to the choice of a member in the
room of William Hemsley Esquire who refused and James
Hindman Esquire was unanimously elected.
Edward Smoot of Charles County having been brought
before this Board on Suspicion of carrying on a Correspond-
ence with the Enemy is hereby discharged he having given
Bond for his appearance at the next County Court.
According to the Appointment of the General Assembly
Commissions issued to David Smith Register of Wills for
Cecil County, Richard Wootton for Montgomery County,
John Goldsborough for Dorchester County and William
Morris for Worcester County.
Joseph Nicholson, William Geddis, and Donaldson Yates of
Kent County or any two of them are hereby appointed to
audit settle and adjust the Accounts of the Militia of the
Eastern Shore who have been in actual Service since the
Invasion of this State and any Accounts that may have arisen
against the State in Consequence of said Invasion according
to a Resolution of the General Assembly.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 444   View pdf image (33K)
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