[Washington to Smallwood.]
6 Miles Stone near Wilmington 9th Septr 1777.
I received your favor of the 4th Inst and hope by this Time,
that you have arrived at Nottingham. The Enemy advanced
towards us yesterday with a seeming intention of attacking
our post near New Port. We waited for them all day, but
upon reconnoitring their situation in the Evening, we judged
they only meant to amuse us in Front, while they marched by
our right flank and gained the Heights of Brandiwine, view-
ing things in this light, and the consequences that wou'd
necessarily follow if such an event took place, It was thought
advisable that we should change our ground and gain the
Heights before 'em. This we are attempting, and I doubt
not shall effect. I must now request, as Generl Howe will
strain every nerve to possess Philadelphia, and as it may be
expected that this Fleet, or part of it, will arrive in Delaware
River in a few days to cooperate with him, that you will move
on with all possible expedition with all the Force you have or
can get. I will not mark out any particular line of conduct
for you to pursue but leave it with you, either to join me or
to fall upon the Rear of the Enemy as shall seem most
eligible from circumstances. Your exertion upon this occa-
sion can not be too great. Much is at Stake.
I am Sir
Yr most Obedt Servt
Genl Smallwood Geo. Washington
Friday 12th September 1777.
Present as on yesterday
It being represented that the Issuing Commissary cannot
procure Peas, Beans, Milk, Beer or Rice for the Militia in Ser-
vice and that one pound of Beef or three Quarters of a pound
of Pork and one pound of Bread is not sufficient without the
other part of the Continental Ration, for the comfortable Sub-
sistence of the men and that they would be well satisfied to
draw one pound and a Quarter of Beef or one pound of Pork
with one pound & a Quarter of Bread in lieu of the whole
Ration which is of less value than the whole Ration allowed.
C. B.