C. C.
ation and Views of each Army. I have understood the Enemy
have moved since yesterday five miles from Kennets Square
(their late Post) up the Brandewine, and are cutting a Road
thro' the Woods to penetrate to Philadelphia, & I make no
doubt but Genl Washington is moving up from Shads Foard,
and exerting every Effort to counteract them, from their
Views, the Situation of their Army, and our Prospects; you
must see how necessary it will be to enable me to Attack, and
harrass their Rear, and the better to effect this, and cut of
their Retreat to their Fleet, shou'd our Army check them in
Front, I have wrote to Gist, Richardson, & Rumsey, to form
a junction with me tomorrow at the cross Roads eight miles
above Nottingham. I have now once more to entreat most
earnestly that you woud send forward the field Pieces wth
their proper Officers & Men with fixed Ammunition, Musket
Cartridge sized from No 16 to 21, carefully made up, & not
with wet or damaged Powder) all such Arms and Troops as
can possibly be got ready, together with Colo Ware or some
Person of Weight to attend at Johnsons Ferry to regulate and
forward their Passage, 1/2 cwt of Riffle Powder wth Lead suffi-
cient will be wanted for what Rifles are here, and about 87
stand of Arms for Colo B. Johnsons Regt, who are good men,
& ought to be Armed, rather than many who come from
below with much Reluctance, Regulations for governing the
Militia (wch I before wrote for) and Paper for Camp & Military
Orders, are much wanting, we have not Cartridges for this
Body of Militia for half an hours Action, I remain with much
Regard Yrs. &c.
W Smallwood
Inclosed is a Return of Deserters specifying their names
county & place of Abode. I will not presume to dictate to
your Excelly what Steps ought to be pursued to bring such
Transgressors of the Law to exemplary Punishment but if
they are suffered to remain at Home the example will have a
most pernicious Effect on the rest of the Militia — perhaps it
wou'd be adviseable to issue your Proclamation offering a
Reward to those who may apprehend them but I doubt
whither such a measure will have the desired Effect if the
Coty Lieuts were directed to select a Guard from their Militia
of such Persons on whom they cou'd depend to search in &
about the Places of their Residence, perhaps it wou'd be the
most effectual way of getting those base Deserters when
apprehended I beg they may be sent forward under a strong
& trusty Guard to my Post for Tryal, their Punishment even
the bringing them back will prevent others from following
their Example.