C. B.
This Board therefore advise the Commissary to issue accord-
ingly and if the Congress will not agree to it, engage that this
State will be accountable for the difference on having that
part of the Ration which is not issued credited to this State.
Commissions issued to John Moale appointed Col, Benjamin
Nicholson Lieut Col. James Cox Major of the Baltimore Town
Batt. of Mila Balt. County also to Samuel Brogden second
Lieut, John Iiams Ensign of Capt William Brogdens Compy
Brevets issued to Samuel Chew as first Lieut and Aaron
Welsh second Lieut in Capt. Dares Compy belonging to the
South River Batt of Militia in Ann Arundel County.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to John
Annis five pounds, five shillings per Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Duett one hundred
and five pounds tor two horses purchased of him for the
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt. Alexander Furnival
sixty pounds for a Horse to be charged to the Continent and
the further Sum of one hundred and twenty nine pounds six
shillings per Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to Usher Roe & Co. eighty
pounds ten shillings Amount of Account passed. That the
said Treasurer pay to Capt King sixty three pounds one shil-
ling and three pence per Acct passed.
It being apprehended that the three Negroe Men belong-
ing to this State (two of whom are with Capt. King of the
Plater and the other with Captain Coward of the Dolphin)
are desirous of deserting to the British fleet, Capt King is
requested to carry the said Negroe Men to Charles G. Griffith
Esqr of Montgomery County who will be so obliging as to
place them out seperately at the risk of the State to such per-
sons as he may imagine will keep them securely and treat
them well until the State may again want their Service.
Mrs Henrietta French having been committed by a Magis-
trate of Baltimore County on Suspicion of her having acted
inimically to the American Cause, and being brought before
the Governor and Council for examination, Upon considera-
tion It is ordered that the said Mrs French be permitted to
return to her Husband Thomas French's present dwelling
plantation and that she confine herself to the said Dwelling
Plantation and do not depart therefrom until further order of
the Governor and Council.
Commission of Letter of Marque and Reprisal issued to
John Bay now Master of the Privateer Schooner called the
Enterprize mounting six Carriage Guns, four Swivels and
twelve Musquets navigated with sixteen Men belong to John
McClure and others of Baltimore Town.