Thursday 11th September 1777.
Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Captain
John Kilty one hundred and twenty two pounds eleven shill-
ings and five pence as per Account passed the Board.
That the said Treasurer pay to Andrew Buchanan one hun-
dred and fourteen pounds seven shillings and three pence as
per Acct passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt Bennett Matthews
three hundred and sixty four pounds four shillings and three
pence on Account of the Galley Independence per Account
That the said Treasurer pay to Humphry Belt three pounds
per Account passed. That the said Treasurer pay to Doctr
Peter Woltz Ten pounds, eight shillings and three pence per
Account passed.
Being informed by Capt. Kilty, that he has moored the
Ship Lydia of this' State at the Eastern branch Ferry. And as
this Vessel and her Cargo (being laden with Tobacco also
belonging to this State) are very valuable, and only two hands
are to be left on board of her. It is thought proper that some
plan should be fallen upon for her security against any
attempts which may be made by the Enemy to destroy her.
And therefore it is requested that Col. Robert Tyler or the
Commanding Officer of the Upper Batt in Prince Georges
County nominate a Guard of one Compy of Men with their
proper Officers most convenient in situation with Orders to
hold Themselves in readiness to repair to the place where the
Ship is anchored, to protect her until a larger force can be
sent to their Assistance in case of any Alarm by Tenders or
other Attempt of the Enemy.
Commission issued to Elisha Dorsey appointed first Lieut
of Capt Christopher Owings's Company in the room of
Samuel Merryman Junr broke by Court Martial in the Soldiers
Delight Batt. Baltimore County.
C. B.