Saturday February 15th 1777.
Council Met. Present as on yesterday.
Ordered that the Western Shore Treasurer pay to General
Smallwood Five Thousand Dollars.
Commissions Issued to Benjamin Harwood appointed first
Nicholas Maccubbin Second Lieut.
John Brice third Lieutenant of a Company of Militia in
Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to William
Wilkins Sixty four Pounds four Shillings and One Penny.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Davidson Forty Pounds
Ten Shillings.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Muir Ninety Pounds
Twelve Shillings and Ten Pence.
That the said Treasurer pay to Charles Wallace One Thou-
sand pounds.
Council of Safety agree with Nicholas Maccubbin for mak-
ing Shoes at 3/ pr pair they finding Leather and other
Ordered that The Western Shore Treasurer pay to Nicholas
Maccubbin One hundred Pounds.
That the said Treasurer pay to Edward Timmonds Three
Pounds Ten Shillings for a Gun.
Ordered That Doct. John Odell Hart be taken into Custody
by Capt. Fulford, and a Guard be set over him.
Ordered that the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Brice T:
B: Worthington Esq. Fifty seven Pounds Eight Shillings for
Attendance in Council of Safety till 5th February.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Major Uriah Forrest One Thousand Dollars.
Ordered that the Commissary supply the Captain of the
Dolphin with Rations for the men on board.
Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to John
Saml Minskie Twenty six pounds Seventeen Shillings.
That the said Treasurer pay to Colo Thomas Price Four
Thousand Dollars.
That the said Treasurer pay to Mary Priestly Three Pounds
Three Shillings.
Adjourned till Monday 10 oClock.