[Jesse Hollingsworth to Council.]
Sirs. Baltimore February 14th 1777.
I should now be glad to now what I am to doe with the
Ship Liddia. The Brig wants no more flour, tobaco nor
bread. I have sum of all those things on hand. I likewise
have 10 or 12 tuns of bar Iron which you may have at £50
pounds per ton, which is the price I can get from other people,
it will bee wanted for the Ship Liddia. I think I could soon
have one third of the Ship's Cargo in Tobaco redy for her at
30 shillings inspected. I have a good deal ingaged at that,
and sum at 25 and sum at 27/6. But 30" is the prise given
now by others, and I think it wont rise. I wait your further
orders but am sadly of for want of Clerks. I have no person
to make out an acount, for George Dafney that wrote for mee
at times is gone in the independant company over the Bay,
and David Rickets soon as hee understood that the were
ordered to stay from the Eastern Shore thought the Jarseys
would be next and set of to Secill County. I beleve from
there hee never will return without he can bee clear of any
miletery duty, he is a sickly man subject to Rumetism, Payns
that for days together hee is not able to doe business, and he
is shore it would be deth to him to march, and is determined
to keep out of the way for there is no regard payd to your
letter as to him, I showd it to the officers all in a Body and I
never was told till yesterday morning that I must not march
myself. Then Major Nicoldson told mee that I must have all
things redy, and go on bord the vesell, and hee should order
me on shore. 3 days of this week I have been under arms,
not a creature to look after the delivery of flour, tobaco or
bread, but a Duch Servant and a littell son of my own, about
13 year old. Now all the Invoices and a counts lies unsetled
and a thousand other things and not a clerk to help me. I
once more request if you Pleas to get a totall exemption from
Capt. Smith for mee and David Rickets and a discharge from
every miletery duty while I am your Agent or I cannot doe
your busines nor the publics, for there is nothing done here
for this State, but I must doe it, and all preperations for the
present movement such as I have in my hands but I must have
redy, and must at the same time to pleas a few hot men, bee
under arms, which cannot bee done with any care. I sold 80
bbls. of your bread to Cummins at 15/. Pleas settell this
matter and I will indeavour to do your business. David
Rickets was ordered over the Bay at all events if there had
been regard paid to your letter hee would not left here,
from your humble Servt.
To the honnorable Counsel Jesse Hollingsworth
of Saftey
C. S. C.