and the two companies of Regulars on the Continental Estab-
lishment. We are &c.
General Smallwood.
[Nathaniel Smith to Council.]
The Honble Council of Safety.
Gentlemen. When I was last at Annapolis, I had the
promise of cloathing for my company. Capt. Fulford had
then an order on the commissary of Stores, to supply the
matrosses first, at that time Mr Howard was so engaged, that
he cou'd not, or wou'd not dellever them. Since that, I sent
down Levt Moore who told me he cou'd not get them, at that
time he obtained an order for shoes only, my men are now
allmost naked, if the cloath for their coats and Jacketts, is not
readey, must beg you would send me an order by Capt. Fur-
naval on the commissary here, for linin for their shirts. I
shou'd be glad as soon as convenient, for the province to have
all their cloathing.
I hope you will allow my men, in regard to britches, the
same as Capt. Furnaval's, that is they are to have leather, and
pay out of their own pockets ten shillings a pair, my men
have ben very uneasy in regard to their not having as much
pay as Continental Troops, and assure you it will be very
troublesome, keeping them in order. They petitioned you
some time ago. I have now sent in a Petition to the Honble
House of Assembly to the same purport. I must beg if in
your power to assist me to git it granted as soon as conve-
nient to the Honble House.
I shoud be glad there coud be some alterations in the
Articals of War as its out of my power at any time to call a
general Court Martial, not having officers enough agreeable
to our present rules and the Continental officers say they
have no right to set on Provincial Troops. Let their crimes
be what they will I can punish with only fifteen lashes. I
woud not by this have you think me cruel, or that I wish to
punish my fellow creatures with more than they can bear or
deserve, but the punishment I am now allowed to inflict is by
no means equal to some of their crimes.
I should have waited on you, but had the misfortune to hurt
one of my legs about three weeks ago, since which have not
ben able to walk very little. I am Gentlemen,
Baltimore 15th Feby 1777. Your most humble Servt
To The Honble Council of Safety, Nath. Smith.
C. S. C.