Lib. R. R.
or to be of the private secret or Continuall Councill to any
our Leivetennant or Leivetennants his or their Deputy or
Deputyes of or in our said Province, or any the Dominions or
Teritoryes thereto belonging. Witness our self at London
the sixteenth day of ffebruary in the foure & thirtieth yeare of
our Dominion over our Province of Maryland. And in the
yeare of our Lord God One Thousand six hundred sixty five
stilo veteri.
C Baltemore
Commis- Cecilius absolute Lord and Proprietary of the
sion for Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of
the Cheif
Justice Baltemore &c. To all and singular our sheriffs and
& justices Cheif Officers and all others of our Province of Mary-
Rrovincial land aforesaid. Greeting. Whereas aswell for our
Court of owne Conservacon as for the Conservacon of the
Maryland. peace and Tranquility of our said Province and to the
End that Justice and Equity may be duly and Impartially
Administred to all and Every person and persons bodyes
politique and Corporate of and within our Province of Mary-
land aforesaid wee have Constituted assigned and apointed,
and doe hereby Constitute assigne and apointe our most
deare sonne Charles Calvert Esqr our Lt Generall Cheif Capi-
tayne Cheif Admirall Cheif Governor and Cheif Comandr of
our said Province of Maryland and of all our Dominions and
Territoryes thereto belonging to be our Cheif Justice of our
Provinciall Court of our said Province during our pleasure,
aswell for the holding of all Pleas touching and Relating unto
the Conservation of us, and the Conservation of the peace of
our said Province as for the holding of pleas touching our
Rights and Revenues and of Common Pleas and likewise for
the Determining of all matters of Equity for which any Releif
is shall or may be Justly or reasonably desired in our said
Court And whereas wee have like wise Constituted assigned
and appointed and doe by these prsents Constitute assigne
and appointe our Deare Brother and Councellor Philip