Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1671-1675. 7
celour of our said Province our Trusty and welbeloved
Richard Boughton Esqr our Principall Secretary of our said
Province, our Trusty and welbeloved Jerome White Esqr our
Surveyor Generall of our said Province, our Trusty and welbe-
loved William Evans Esqr our Muster Master Generall of our
said Province, our Trusty and welbeloved Baker Brooke Esqr
Edward Lloyd Esqr Henry Coursey Esqr and Thomas Truman
Esqr to be our privy Councellors and to be of our private
secret and continuall Councell to us and to our Leivetennant
Generall and Cheif Governor for the time being of our said
Province, and to his Deputy and Deputyes to be by him
assigned for and in Relacon to all affayres of State and for
Lib. R. R.
and in Relacon to the making of peace and warre and the
good Governance and ordering of all our affayres relating to
our said Province during our pleasure, And wee doe further
assigne Constitute and apointe that they the said Philip
Calvert, Richard Boughton Jerome White, William Evans,
Baker Brooke Edward Loyd, Henry Coursey and Thomas
Truman, or any three or more of them (of which wee will that
our said Chancelour or our said Principall Secretary shalbe
one) shall in our absence together with our Ll Generall and
Cheif Governor for the time being of our said Province or his
sufficient Deputy or Deputyes by him to be assigned be a full
sufficient & Compleate Councill, for the Ends and purposes
aforesaid, Willing and by these prsents Requiring and firmly
injoyning all persons of our said Province and Dominions
aforesaid that in all things Relating to the premises they give
obedience unto our said Councill and to all such orders and
Comands as shall from time to time be made and given by
our said Councill or any three or more of them (of which our
said Chancelour and Principall Secretary or one of them to be
one) by and with the Consent and approbation of us or of our
Leivetennant Generall and Cheif Comander of our said Prov-
ince for the time being, or of his lawfull & sufficient Deputy
or Deputyes by him to be assigned so as such orders and
Comands be Consonant to Reason and be not Repugnant or
Contrary to the Lawes of our said Province, nor Repugnant
or Contrary unto but as neare as Conveniently may be agree-
able to and with the Lawes statutes and Customes of the
Kingdome of England And wee doe hereby Revoake repeale
adnull and make voyd all and Every former and other Comis-
sion and Comissions, Letters Patents orders and authorityes
whatsoever by us at any time heretofore formerly given for
the Erecting creating Constituting or apointing of a privy
Council within our said Province, or the Dominions thereto
belonging or for the Creating or apointing any pson or per-
sons to be of our private Secret or Continuall Councill there
p. 4