Lib. R. R.
also full power and authority to Direct and appointe for us
and in our name to passe under our Greate Seale of our said
Province, such Graunt and Graunts of such proportion & pro-
portions of lands within our said Province to such person and
persons and for such Estate and Estates and with such privi-
ledges and Imunityes and under such Conditions as wee have
Directed or shall from time to time hereafter direct by any
warrant or warrants under our hand and Seale at Armes, so
as the said warrant and warrants be Duly Entred and Regis-
tred and the said Lands duely surveyed, and the Surveys
thereof Retorned and all and Every the necessary Rules
orders Circumstances, heretofore by us given or appointed in
Relacon to the Surveying of such Lands and to the Entring
Registring and attesting the Surveys thereof, and all neces-
sary Circumstances touching such Graunts Surveys and war-
rants heretofore by us given or appointed be first duly
observed and performed, willing and by these prsents requir-
ing our said Deare Sonne to advise as their shalbe occasion
with those who are or shalbe of our Council there for the time
being upon all Emergent occasions, touching concerning or
relating unto the good Govermnt of our said Province, and of
the people there. And wee doe hereby Revoake adnull and
make voyd all former Comissions heretofore at any time given
unto our said Deare Sonne or any others in Relacon to all or
any the offices powers or authorityes hereby Graunted, and
-all and Every Power and Powers authority and authorityes
thing and thinges in them Every or any of them given
graunted mentioned or Conteined hereby declaring the same
to be revoked adnulled and made voyd to all intents and pur-
poses imediately from and after the publishing of these prsents
within our said Province. Given undr our hand and Seale at
Armes the sixteenth day of ffebruary in the foure and thirtieth
yeare of our Dominion over our said Province Annoque
Domini 1665.
C Baltemore
Commis- Cecilius absolute Lord and Proprietary of the
the Privy Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of
council Baltemore &c. To our Dearly beloved sonne Charles
of Maryland Calvert Esqr our Lt Generall Cheif Capitaine Cheife
Admirall Cheif Governor and Cheif Comander of our said
Province of Maryland, and of the Dominions and Teritoryes
thereunto belonging, and to all others of our said Province of
Maryland and of the Dominions and Teritoryes aforesayd
Greeting Know yee that wee have Constituted assigned and
apointed and doe by these prsents Constitute assigne and
appointe our Deare Brother Philip Calvert Esqr our Chan-