dred and fifty horse and Dragoons to Randevouze upon
Thursday which will be the three and twentith instant at the
head of Choptico Bay from whence they shall continue their
march to the north side of the mouth of Pascattaway Creeke
where they shall attend your Arrivall and joyne with you
where their Comander will advize with you upon the wayes
and meanes to prosecute the Warr against the Doages and
Susquehanough Indians till the murthers are delivered and
all possible Satisfaction Obtained from them for damages done
to his Maties Subjects Which is all at prsent (as we conceive)
expected from Yor Humble Servants.
Then was Major Thomas Truman Ordered and appointed
to be Comander in this expedition, over the said fforces to be
raised as aforesaid.
Upon the Complaint of John Newton Mariner that One
John Morris hath Offered and done him Severall abuses,
Ordered that the said John Morris find suerty for the Peace
and appearance at the next Provinciall Court, to answer
the Complaint of the said Newton.
Then came the said John Morris & assumed upon himselfe
upon paine of ten pounds Sterling and John Quigley Gent,
then & there likewise came and did undertake for the said
John Morris to say upon paine of five pounds Sterl that the
said John Morris should personally appeare before his Lopps
justices of the next Provinciall Court to be holden at the Citty
of St Maries the 16th day of November next to doe and
receive what shall by the Court then & there to him be
enjoyned, and that he in the meane time keepe the Peace
towards his Lopp and all the good people of this Province and
especially towards the said John Newton. And that he shall
not doe or procure or cause to be done any damage or Cor-
porall hurt to the said John Newton or any the people of this
Province or the disturbance of the peace of his Lopp the Lord
Proprietary. Which said summe of tenn pounds Sterl the
p. 38