50 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1671-1675.
Lib. R. R.
said John Morris and the said summe of five pounds sterl the
said suerty did acknowledge to owe to his said Lopp of their
respective lands & Tenements Goods & Chattells to the use
of his said Lopp & his Successors to be made & levyed if the
said John Morris shall infring or breake any of the prmisses.
Ordered That the Council meet here at Richard Keenes
upon Monday the Seven and twentith of this instant month of
Die Jovis 23o Septembris 1675
Ordered by the Governour and Councell that the Inhabi-
tants of the Westerne and Northerne Branches of Petuxent
River and the weake Plantations next adjoyneing to them be
imediately drawne together to some place there which shall
be thought most Safe for them to inhabite in.
Att a Council held at Mattapenny-Sewall the thirtenth day
of October in the 44th yeare of the Dominion of Cecilius &c
Annoq Dom. 1675
Charles Calvert Esqr Cheife Governour &c
The Honble Philip Calvert Esqr Chancellour
Wm Calvert Esqr principall Secretary
Baker Brooke Esqr
Then was taken into Consideration the Publique Charge of
this province the Tithables being 6610 persons the publique
charge with Salery for Collection (367219l of tobacco being
ordrd to be collected this Levy towards defraying Charges &
pay to the Soldiers this present expedition against the Susque-
hanough Enemy) at 80l tob p poll amount unto the summe
of five hundred twenty eight thousand eight hundred pounds
of tobacco and Ordr to be collected & paid as follow
I tob.
To the Governour allowed towards his expences at
St Johns 30000
To Clement Hill 3940
To Henry Ward for losse of his horse 1 800
To the Guardians of Bayleys Orphants 1800
To Thomas Cosden for quartering men 2000
To Peter Burges for goeing to the Clifts 200
To Thomas Gant for quartering men 980
To Thomas Vaughan for his boate prest 45
To Robt Carvile for Jacob Duccatt & Richard White 90
To Thomas Morris 45
To Roger Woolford for Colebornes noate 1275