July 10th 1675
Comisso then issued to Edward Williams to be Clerke of
Cecil County.
Comisso then issued to Capt John Carr to be Sheriff of
Cecil County.
At a Council held at the Citty of St Maries the third day of
September in the 44th yeare of his Lopps Dominion &c Annoq
Dom 1675. Present
Charles Calvert Esqr Leivtent Genll & Cheife Govr
The Honble Philip Calvert Esqr Chancellour
Wm Calvert Esqr Secretary
Thomas Truman Esqr
The Insurrection of the Indians and the murthers Com-
mitted by them at the head of Ann Arrundell County was
then taken into debate and Ordered that Collonel Samuel
Chew and Major Wm Burges doe imediately raise the forces
under their Comand to follow and pursue the enemyes.
And that the same Order be sent to Coll Vtie to raise the
fforces under his Comand and if there shall be Occasion in the
Other Countyes that the like Order issue to the Comanders
there as the Governour shall thinke fitt
That there be two hundred men raised in St Maries and
Charles County provided with sufficient horse and armes
both for horse and foot service, in a readynesse of the arrivall
of the Virginia Army and that power be sent up to the Offices
to presse provisions for them.
Then came John Quigley Gent and made a motion to the
board on the behalfe of Capt Daniel Jenifer That whereas
Thomas Hedge of Ann Arundell County last May Court
obtained judgment against Daniel Jenifer for Seven thousand
three hundred pounds of tobacco with costs of suite but so as
execution thereof was to cease untill the tenth day of November
next yet notwithstanding the said Thomas Hedge hath pro-
cured his Lopps writ of ne exeat provin out of Chancery against
the said Jenifer.
Whereupon Ordered that the said writ of ne exeat provin
be wholly Superseded and that the said Thomas Hedge take
no advantage thereby.
Then was the Provinciall Court to be holden the 26th of
October next Ordered to be adjourned untill the third tues-
day in November next
Att a Councell held at Richard Keenes in Petuxent the 14th
day of September in the 44th yeare of his Lopps Dominion &c
Annoq Dom. 1675.