he shall thinke fitt and the same to adjourne from time to
time and to such place or places in each respective County as
he shall find to be most convenient for the dispatch of Our
Service and ease of the people within the severall and respec-
tive Countyes And to the end justice and right may be
equally done in all cases within the cognizance of the said
Court of Enquiry and Survey Wee doe hereby further author-
ize and impower the said Baker Brooke to constitute Clerkes
and other ministers or officers of the said Court such and so
many as he shall thinke fitt unto them to administer Oathes
for the due execution of their Offices and by the said minis-
ters or Officers to cause to be summoned to come before him
at such Courts all parties that hold lands in the said Countyes
as also jurors good and lawfull men of the same County by
whom the truth of the matter may the better be Knowne and all
persons able to give evidence and them respectively upon
their Oathes to charge to enquire and give evidence that it
may legally appeare what and how much lands they hold of us
what rights and titles they have to the lands they hold of us
within this Our province. By what patent from us or other
meane conveyance and by what rents and Services and the
presentments by such jurors to be made and all contempts ol
this Our Comission, to cause to be recorded by the Clerke of
the said Court so to be constituted, and from thence into Our
Provinciall Court to be transmitted that justice may to us and
the people of this Our Province be done & all offences and
contempts duly punished And Wee doe hereby Strictly
charge and comand all justices of the peace, Sheriffs, Coroners
Constables and other the Officers and all the good people of
this Our province to be aiding and asisting to the said Baker
Brooke in the execution of this Our Comission. Given at St
Maries under the great seale of Our said Province of Mary-
land this third day of August in the 43th yeare of Our Dominion
over this Province Annoq Dom One thousand six hundred
seventy foure Wittnes Our deare son Charles Calvert Esqr
Our Capt Generall and cheife Governour of Our said Prov-
ince of Maryland.
Charles Calvert
Att a Council held at the Citty of St Maries the fifth day of
June Anno 1674 present
His Excellency the Capt Genl
Wm Calvert Esqr Principall Secretary
Thomas Truman
Thomas Taillor Esqrs Councellors
Jesse Wharton